removing excess ethernet interfaces

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Recently while configuring a new ethernet driver, I managed to end up with several extra ethernet interfaces (specifically en3 and en4). Now, I finally have en5 configured properly and will never use en3 and en4 again. Does anyone know how to remove en3 and en4 and maybe even en5 to reconfigure it as en3? I know that having en3 and en4 probably won't cause any problems, but I want to have my system as clean as possible and I just don't like having using en5 but not en3 or en4. Any ideas and/or help would be great.

Thanks in advance.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    I can only thnk of 2 ways to remove an ethernet interface.

    Open SysPrefs, click on network and make sure the little lock at the bottom left is unlocked.

    Click on Show - Network port configurations.

    Highlight the port to be deleted and click on delete.

    Open Terminal window.

    su to root (or use sudo)

    ifconfig -a (to list all the ethernet devices)

    ifconfig en4 destroy (should remove en4)

    You might need to ifconfig unplumb en4 to shutdown the interface first.

    Hope this helps.

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