Quicktime iPod ad problem

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I cannot open the iPod ad under h**p://www.apple.com/uk/ipod/ads/

Could someone please post the URL which I can put directly into the Quicktime Player.

Damn Windows


  • Reply 1 of 6
    Do you just mean this?

    http://www.apple.com/uk/ipod/ads/wildpostings.html (QT6 required)

    ya know, I just walked by those posters with my iPod on in NYC and they didn't budge. No fun.

    I did read some where that they have developed the technology to run a 1 bit animation on a substrate as thin as paper, so someday, those animated posters may be a reality.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    nah, guess it's not a straight URL needed. But It did let me save the whole 4.6mb movie.

    Now you've got me watching the whole Steve Jobs UK presentation...
  • Reply 3 of 6
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    No I have qt6.

    I have no problem watching the other qt strams (for example: WWDC2003 keynote, Macworld SF2004 keynote,...)

    only the iPod ad stream doesn't work.

    The URL I need is displayed when you press "Strg+I" in QT (that is the shortcut in the windows versionI hope it is the sam on a Mac), this shortcut opens an additional Window called Film information.

    When watching the iTunes Music Store launch Video for example the displayed URL is: h**p://stream.qtv.apple.com/events/jun/itms/london_ref.mov

    It would be nice if someone could post the stream URL of the iPod ad.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    i could post it but it wont do any good. somehow they have the file protected, as it wont play in my quicktime (as a stand alone file--not the streaming version). i have quicktime updated to all the recent stuff, and it doesnt work. i guess they were tired of people making their own ipod ads.

    edit: well, here's the link to the actual file--good luck though, it wont play.

    Wild Postings
  • Reply 5 of 6
    This time I hit "view source" on the web page and found:


    and it worked in QT

    copy link so you don't get the "..."

    PS - that link from ipodandmac loads a nice big screen version for me...

    I should point out I have QT pro, so that's probably why I was able to save the movie files (Purdue's is 7.6 megs). Almost big enough to make it worth creating a really annoying animated desktop...
  • Reply 6 of 6
    bka77bka77 Posts: 331member
    Thanks folks, both links you gave me worked fine.
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