apple japan announces changes in powerbook line on june 28!!!
Powerbook G5 annoucement? ????? here in ginza, tokyo, japan, if u call to ask for a powerbook g4, they tell u that if u can wait until june 28 cos it is expected a new changes on the powerbook line, they didnt say it was g5 but what can u expect? another upgrade? no way! They just upgraded! Tiger? It s already been announced! N it is only an OS change. so i think g5 for sure!! . i intended to buy a pb g4 but now i ll wait until that day. here on tokyo u can sue if a company tell u there wont be new models or upgrades and one week later (according to law, until one month) voila new model! Consumers rights!! God blesses these japanese laws!!!!! so I share the information from Tokyo to the mac addicts from the world!!! God bless MAC andEor now cos this information, jap laws!! He he he
( in english about ginza store and phone number for those who don?t believe it! Just spend $ 5 in a call from USA and confirm it by urself!!)
Cris Mac Samurai
8) 8)
( in english about ginza store and phone number for those who don?t believe it! Just spend $ 5 in a call from USA and confirm it by urself!!)
Cris Mac Samurai
8) 8)

If you go to the tech district of Tokyo you'll find a bunch of multi-floor stores that sell only Apple stuff. I was in Tokyo last year during WWDC and went to one of these stores the day after the G5s were announced. What did I find? Along a full-size cardboard replica of a G5. It was very impressive, to scale and with all of the ports printed on both the front and the back.
Take a look at the pics here , and remember these are fully fake G5s. Did anyone see these anywhere else around the world?
Originally posted by crcr2003
they didnt say it was g5 but what can u expect? another upgrade? no way! They just upgraded! Tiger? It s already been announced! N it is only an OS change. so i think g5 for sure!! .
( why am I doing this...why am I doing this...why am I doing this )
1. Have you seen the radiator hanging off of the 90nm G5 CPUs? Or the 9 fans inside the 130nm PMG5? PowerBook G5 is a LONG way off I suspect.
2. Tiger has NOT been "announced". What has been announced is that there will be a developer preview of it at WWDC.
3. They are likely speculating (like everyone else) that "Gee, maybe Apple will announce something interesting hardware-wise at WWDC, so may as well wait. It's only 10 days anyway."
Originally posted by Chris Cuilla
( why am I doing this...why am I doing this...why am I doing this )
Because you're trying to avoid chores, dissertation work and packing for a trip like I am
I'm right with you. I'd put the chances of a PowerBook G5 at around 1% (need some hope, right?). But there is always that dreamer in me that likes to believe that right now some store in Akihabra is busily working on a cardboard PowerBook G5 mock-up.
Though, of course, maybe some of that scuttlebutt about Freescale working on neat new G4s could bear fruit. Isn't it fun to fan the flames...
Originally posted by Res
There are plenty of small changes that Apple could do to the lineup. A small price drop would be nice. Or they could make all of the 15" PB the same speed.
Maybe they could go dual-processor in the high-end?
More power consumption issues I guess.
Originally posted by Chris Cuilla
Maybe they could go dual-processor in the high-end?
More power consumption issues I guess.
Perhaps. But with the 7447 chips it might be possible. Too offer the current clock in duals though, I don't know.
Originally posted by IonYz
Perhaps. But with the 7447 chips it might be possible. Too offer the current clock in duals though, I don't know.
I've wondered about dual CPU designs. Do they really offer a lot of benefit for users (performance-wise)? I suppose that if the OS just deals with it beneath the sheets, and you find yourself running a lot of CPU intensive applications at once, I could see it. Individual applications don't need to be "written for" multiple CPUs, they would merely need to be multi-threaded...the OS would be responsible for deploying threads to multiple CPUs. But, again, the folks at Apple are pretty smart. Why not go multi-CPU all over the place? At some point the CPUs are going to hit some brick walls (heat, power, etc.) Perhaps multiple is the "wave of teh future?" I don't know. Just rambling here.
Once your get used to duals, you never want to go back. Thats why I'm considering selling my 1.3 single and picking up a dual 1.3.
Originally posted by IonYz
Duals help out a lot, not just in CPU intense tasks. My Power Mac was originally a dual 533MHz and while it was slow at something it never slowed down in multi-tasking.
This is kind of what I figured. So I guess the value of a multi-CPU (dual or quad) would depend on the "use profile". If you are running lots of applications all the time, or (possibly) applications that are highly multi-threaded (iMovie that is rendering multiple transitions at once?) you would appear to benefit the most.
Or Apple could just use it for one more round of clock speed boosts this fall...
Last year I bought a 1.3GHz single chip. Overall apps moved faster but multi-tasking was so bad I thought the chip was broken, I kid you not.
You did put more than the stock amount of RAM in it
How about a dual G4 that the 2nd CPU only comes on if it's plugged in? Or a single CPU 1.8GHz 970 with aggressive unplugged energy management settings?
Originally posted by Stoo
You did put more than the stock amount of RAM in it
Huh? Its had 1.5GB, the max for that system, for a while. RAM amount didn't change from the dual to single move.
Originally posted by johnjosephbachir
Okay, I don't mean to kick a dead horse, but I don't think I've seen this particular idea discussed. What about a 90nm g5 1.6? Is it so ridiculous to think that, perhaps with some sort of improved cooling design (but nothing too wild), that could go into a powerbook?
My guess is that in order to get the same power draw as 1.5GHz G4 the G5 would have to run so slow that there would be no benefit or it might even run slower. The G4 has had a long time to acquire a number of little engineering tweaks to not drain the battery. We all know about the peak power. What about other conditions? How about when the PB is asleep? Lots that we don't know.
Originally posted by Gabid
Mind you, some of the Japanese Apple stores (not THE Apple store) can be quite on top of things.
If you go to the tech district of Tokyo you'll find a bunch of multi-floor stores that sell only Apple stuff. I was in Tokyo last year during WWDC and went to one of these stores the day after the G5s were announced. What did I find? Along a full-size cardboard replica of a G5. It was very impressive, to scale and with all of the ports printed on both the front and the back.
Take a look at the pics here , and remember these are fully fake G5s. Did anyone see these anywhere else around the world?
I loved these pictures. I lived in Japan for many years. The difference between the Apple store in the US (clean, open) and the typical retail store in Japan (cluttered, crowded, noisy) is huge. Akihabara at night is a little like Vegas.