iTunes Movie Store and iPod 5G

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
when i read this article ( i start to suspend that steve have something in his sleave.. it's seems like he wants to make big friends in hollywood. get the entire industry on his side..

maybe we will see Movie store in the future.. and rip it on the dvd, how many times you want.. you can know download DVD ripm whitch are 4GB big, but maybe Jobs has some new MP4 codec in progress? DVD-Forum has decided that acc will be the standard on new HD-DVD.. and jobs want that the PC makers will wait with including HD-DVD burners in there machines. Why? Cause he is developing an AirPort with possibility to stream video to TV? or a NEW iPod with function to connect it to TV?

and didnt you forget the rumor of apples annyversity machine! something about the box for the TV with some kind of Airport?!

I think in the next 12 month we will get iTunes Movie Store, with Airport DeLuxe (audio and video streaming), some kind of TiVo ripoff (But much, much better) and we will probobly see in the 5G iPod Dock with s-video, SCART and DVI.. and Keynote support (i would love to carry my iPod to meetings instead of PB 12") ..

What do you think? Am I totally out of course our I am on something here?


EDIT: I heard a rumor of a Steve will start a new Movie Company.. maybe we will have opportunity to order movies on demand thrue the "box" ? and Apple Movie Channel?! here in sweden we have great internet connection.. for 30 $ a month you get 26 Mbps and they offer to have then as the Cable TV company instead of normal one.. cheaper too.. something for apple maybe or Jobs new company with coorporation with apple.. more people will want to switch to apple then.. =)


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