New 12" Powerbook

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I finally took the plunge last night and bought the 12" Powerbook I have been agonizing over for the last couple of months. I know realize I should have bought it immmediately as it is so much fun to use.

I've got 256MB of RAM but will be placing an order with Crucial shortly for a 512MB upgrade. The only other option I neglected to buy was the Superdrive as I don't see myuself burning any DVD's in the near future. When I am ready to do that, I'll probably buy a new computer anyway.

PLaced my order online this morning for the Airport Express and a mini.

Can't wait to get it started.


  • Reply 1 of 27
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    do you have a mac heritage or is this your first?
  • Reply 2 of 27
    I did exactly the same thing, then I went out and pre-ordered an airport express so I can have wireless access. Should ship on July 15 or so.
  • Reply 3 of 27
    crowescrowes Posts: 13member
    It's my first.

    I sued to have Mac's (the IIx) and then I switched over to the dark side when I finished high school as it was just "easier". I have since seen the light.
  • Reply 4 of 27
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by crowes

    It's my first.

    I sued to have Mac's (the IIx) and then I switched over to the dark side when I finished high school as it was just "easier". I have since seen the light.

    who did you sue to have macs? haha. my boss just bought a IIx on ebay for nostalgia purposes. anyhow, welcome aboard! be sure to do a forum search and check out all the threads about advice for people new to the OS
  • Reply 5 of 27
    de foxde fox Posts: 16member
    I also bit the bullet a couple of weeks ago, could not come to a conclusion on the 14? iBook or 12? Power Book. A trip to the Memphis Apple Store and a couple of hours playing around with both convinced me the 12? Power Book would be the best choice for me.

    I have used only PC?s at work, but always had Apples at home (one now dead Sony viao laptop). First was Apple II, then on to the Apple IIe, next came the Apple IIgs, then the great Centris 660av (way ahead of it?s time with built in TV tuner), Last one before the Power Book was the 15? Flat Panel iMac 800Mhz.

    Good Luck, and I know you will enjoy.
  • Reply 6 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    After 3+ years with my iBook G3/500 and 18+ months of 12-inch PowerBook envy, I ordered a 12-inch PowerBook G4/1.33Ghz (Combo, BTO 5400rpm 80GB) on Monday. I am overjoyed to say that it shipped out today. It will be in my eager little hands on Tuesday, July 6 (the first business day after the 4th of July holiday).

    An external 17" LCD with DVI, Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse, and AppleCare package are already here and waiting for the 12-inch PowerBook's arrival.


    Next on the menu will be a 1GB RAM stick. Then I'm planning to build a Duo-style Dock for my new 12-inch baby. I cannot wait...

  • Reply 7 of 27
    crowescrowes Posts: 13member
    I will receive a 512MB RAM upgrade courtesy of Crucial tomorrow and will be cruisin' with 768MB by the weekend.

    By the way, anyone have any experience with the Mac version of Quicken? I'm looking to purchase to keep track of everything.
  • Reply 8 of 27
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    *raises hand*

    Bought SuperDrive 12incher yesterday at SoHo store

    Played with it on the flight over to Paris, all works great!

    I have to get 1GB from Crucial and have it sent over or something.

    What I WAS hoping for though is the Tax Back at the airport.


    I was hoping to get about 400$ in VAT... bastards!!! I shouldnt have to pay that crap!
  • Reply 9 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by ZO

    What I WAS hoping for though is the Tax Back at the airport.


    ZO: Did the US ever refund sales tax on export? I thought you could only get a refund of VAT (value added tax, which is not the same as sales tax) when you buy goods in Europe and export them.

    Did you get those four (4) iPod minis you were hoping to buy as well?

  • Reply 10 of 27

    Originally posted by crowes

    By the way, anyone have any experience with the Mac version of Quicken? I'm looking to purchase to keep track of everything. [/B]

    Yes - I have Quicken 2003 and highly recommend it.
  • Reply 11 of 27
    zozo Posts: 3,117member

    Originally posted by Escher

    ZO: Did the US ever refund sales tax on export? I thought you could only get a refund of VAT (value added tax, which is not the same as sales tax) when you buy goods in Europe and export them.

    Did you get those four (4) iPod minis you were hoping to buy as well?


    There used to be nice big "TAX BACK" office at JFK in NYC where you could simply hand in the receipts of the stuff you bought and get VAT back, sometimes even in cash.

    since 1 year ago they have gotten rid of it at JFK

    I bought 2 normal 15GB iPods and despite calling and going by the SoHo store EVERY day, they didnt get a single one. Go figure that for the first time they HAVENT received anything during a whole week. They usually would get at least a few hundred per week.

  • Reply 12 of 27
    alligatoralligator Posts: 57member
    I have Quicken 2004 and do NOT recommend it for the Mac. The Windows version has more features (like savings goals). I purchased the Mac version first, after switching to a mac about a year ago. Then I got so frustrated, I transferred back to a PC. The PC to Mac conversion is fine. The Mac back to PC conversion didn't work at all.

    So, to get the best of both worlds, I purchased Virtual PC for my PowerBook and am running the windows version on that. It's such a slow app that VPC is fine for this.
  • Reply 13 of 27

    We have similar tastes in PBs! I bought the exact same machine that you ordered about 2 months ago. I have since added 1 GB of memory and it's been a great little machine.

    I have a PowerMac for when I'm sitting at a desk, so I only use the 12" when I'm on the go (or surfing from the couch). The only area I can knock is the display. It looks great from the best angle and under the best light, but vary just a bit and it can be frustrating.

  • Reply 14 of 27
    de foxde fox Posts: 16member
    Question of the day ? I have this perfectly good i-Mac sitting here with all my music, photos, word & excel files; do I make my new powerbook the main computer with all these files on it ? or just leave them on the i-Mac? Anyone found an easy way to synchronize these on a regular basis?

    What solutions can you share?
  • Reply 15 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    The Eagle Has Landed!

    My brand new 12-inch PowerBook arrived this afternoon, Tuesday, July 6, 2004.

    A few first impressions: I absolutely love it. The screen is much brighter than the one on my 3 year-old 12" iBook G3/500. (Phew!) How do I turn off the fan? In other words, this machine is super-speedy, but it gets warmer (still not burning hot, though) than my iBook and the fan comes on. I hate the fan noise.


    Originally posted by deanza4now

    I bought the exact same machine that you ordered about 2 months ago. I have since added 1 GB of memory and it's been a great little machine.

    Right now. I'm chugging along on the built-in 256MB of RAM. But now that we can get 1GB sticks for less than $250 (Kingmax brand from NewEgg), there's no reason to limit myself to a 512MB upgrade.

    I'm glad I got the 80GB 5400rpm BTO drive. It's large and fast(er).

  • Reply 16 of 27
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Duo-style dock hehe. coooool. I wish my Peeb's batt didn't wimp out, guess I'll be gettin a new one eventually even though I'm sure it must be a software thing since it was perfect before Panther. Hopefully I'll be able to scratch the cash together for a new iBook sometime next year. Or I might go iMac but it's just so hard to go back to a desktop when you get used to a laptop!
  • Reply 17 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Duo-style dock hehe. coooool.

    I won't get around to working on a Dock until the fall. But I'll make sure to post pictures and a description when I do get it done.


    I wish my Peeb's batt didn't wimp out, guess I'll be gettin a new one eventually even though I'm sure it must be a software thing since it was perfect before Panther.

    Same happened with my iBook. Panther killed the battery life. However, now it's much longer again. I can run for at least 30 minutes after the low-battery warning displays. The battery meter just stays on the last little red bar and calculates forever.


    Hopefully I'll be able to scratch the cash together for a new iBook sometime next year. Or I might go iMac but it's just so hard to go back to a desktop when you get used to a laptop!

    As tempting as the power and lower prices of desktops are, I'm not going back to something that I can't take on the road. I suspect that even a $100 headless iMac G5 will not change that. Since my processing needs are relatively modest, nothing beats a single desktop-replacing notebook.

  • Reply 18 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member
    Here are some second impressions of the Rev.C 12-inch PowerBook:

    Now that I've finished installing and updating software, the left palmrest above the HDD feels noticeably cooler. It's almost but not quite as cool as my plastic iBook.

    The fan still comes on every 5-10 minutes, it's still noisy, and I still hate it. Somebody over in the AppleNova Forums suggested that the fan hyperactivity may be due to high swap/pageout activity because I am still running with the standard 256MB RAM. So I am holding out hope that the addition of a 1GB RAM stick will reduce pageouts and thus heat from HDD access and noise from the corresponding fan cooling.

    Interestingly, somebody on MacNN said that the same Toshiba 5400rpm 80GB drive is significantly quieter than a 4200rpm 40GB drive they had in a Rev.A 12-inch. It's amazing how much the quality of components varies, even within Apple's specifications and from the same OEM suppliers. I lucked out with a brighter LCD, but suffer from a loud HDD. For others it's the exact opposite.

    Still, the bottom line is unchanged: I love my new 12-inch PowerBook!

    Escher, happy as a pig in shit
  • Reply 19 of 27
    Escher wrote:

    The fan still comes on every 5-10 minutes, it's still noisy, and I still hate it. Somebody over in the AppleNova Forums suggested that the fan hyperactivity may be due to high swap/pageout activity because I am still running with the standard 256MB.


    I have 1.25 MB in my rev. C and the fan only comes on if I am running an optical disc, some kind of video off the hard-drive, or I'm running a RC5-72.

    During 'normal' office-type situations, it's almost (I can hear the hard-drive if I listen carefully) absolutely silent.

    Hah! Now I've read your whole post. I'm with the people who received their PB from the other factor. I have a weak LCD and quiet HD. HDs can be replaced. LCD cannot
  • Reply 20 of 27
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 985member
    I too bought a 12" Powerbook, stock config Superdrive model. Order status says it shipped today. In the end it was Apple's revelation about no new iMacs 'til September that made me decide to take the plunge...I had been holding out with dire frustration at the lack of an update and I just couldn't wait another 2 months. I figure if the fan or hard drive noise bother me too much I'll just sell it when the new iMacs are released and I shouldn't loose too much on such a new machine (since I qualified for the Edu discount). Should have fun playing around with the PB though. I'll post with first impressions in a few days.
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