Updated WWDC schedule with new tidbits

in macOS edited January 2014
Now that Apple has announced Tiger they've filled in some missing pieces from their WWDC Descriptions.


Introducing PDFKit PDFKit is a powerful set of Cocoa classes that allows you to incorporate a rich PDF viewing experience in your application. PDFKit easily handles all the details relating to PDF display, navigation, selection, and searching. PDFKit also supports a variety of ways to customize your application's interaction with PDF documents. Attend this session to learn about leveraging the power of PDF in your application.

Sounds promising. My God PDF reading sucks on my PC. I'm highly jealous that you all have Preview which is nice small and fast. I think PDF is important. Hopefully this kit is adopted by those who need it.


New Development Quartz 2D is the powerful 2D graphics engine in Mac OS X, with advanced features such as transparency, anti-aliasing, and PDF support. Exciting new developments in Quartz 2D will be discussed in this session along with a focus on best practices you should follow to get the most out of Quartz 2D. This session is a must see for all WWDC attendees who use 2D graphics in their applications.

A poster over at MacNN was able to enable this in Tiger Preview and text rendering doubled. More optimizations are sure to come.


This looks new HDRI ImageIO is Mac OS X's unified architecture for opening and saving popular image file formats. Come to this session to learn how the ImageIO Quartz-friendly API simplifies working with TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and JPEG-2000. Additionally, ImageIO supports high dynamic range (HDR) formats, such as OpenEXR and floating point TIFF, that extend visual fidelity far beyond today's 32-bit images. Come to this session to learn about ImageIO and HDR imaging. This is a must-see session for developers working in digital video, cinema, and photography spaces.

HDRI is also used in 3D for radiosity. They left that out conspicuously, I wonder if Apple has more tricks up there sleeve here.


Quartz Composer Quartz Composer is a development tool provided with Mac OS X v10.4 for processing and rendering graphical data. It allows developers to use Quartz 2D, Core Image, Core Video, OpenGL, and QuickTime technologies through a visual programming environment. Developers can use Quartz Composer as an exploratory tool to learn the tasks each visual technology performs without having to learn the application programming interface (API) for that technology. Come to this session to learn how to discover Mac OS X's incredible new graphics technologies.

Revamped Pixelshox. The Developer says he cannot speak about the company he works for until a product is announced. Could that be Motion or something new?


Xcode Modeling and Design Want to take your software design skills to the next level? Learn about Xcode's new design tools for object design and persistent object modeling. With these new tools you can view and edit a visual model of your object-oriented code in C++, Objective-C, or Java, and use the model to navigate your source base. Then, create an object graph of your application's object model, and automatically generate a schema for Cocoa's new Persistence Framework.

I don't remember seeing this before. It sounds new. Anyone familiar with Xcode want to chime in?


Introducting Core Data This session provides an overview of the new Core Data framework in Cocoa. It will focus on the new functionality provided for managing and persisting model objects, which includes automatic undo/redo, input validation, and saving to various types of "persistent stores" (SQL and XML).

I have no idea how this will affect OSX. But it's definitely new.


Advanced Core Data Learn about the more advanced features of the new Core Data framework, including how to work with multiple persistent stores at the same time, how to use predefined fetch requests and predicates to find your objects, how to get more out of your validation rules, and how to manipulate schemas at runtime.

More Core Data


Introducing Sun Java Studio Creator Sun Java Studio Creator (formerly Project Rave) is a next-generation tool for Java application development designed from the ground up to deliver the promise of Java to millions of developers via new technology, ease-of-development features and vastly improved developer productivity. This session will provide you with an overview of the product, some principles of ease-of-development as they apply to Creator and a detailed walk-through of its productivity features and capabilities on Mac OS X.

Better Java support is much welcomed


  • Reply 1 of 6
    jaredjared Posts: 639member
    Sounds like we are going to get lots of under the hood goodies with Tiger! This update does indeed seem be a large competitor (along with all the existing technologies in Mac OS 10) with anything that Microsoft are working on.

    I know not many may agree but I feel Mac OS 10 just keeps getting better and better with each upgrade. Looking back at Cheetah and now looking at Tiger you can see how much we have matured in the last four years.

    I think Timbuk 3 said it best, "the futures so bright I gotta wear shades" 8)
  • Reply 2 of 6
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Yes. I always said that 10.4 would be a big update because Panther seemed like more optimization. 10.5 will probably strike a happy median being that it's development cycle will be longer than the avg thus far.

    Core Data looks to be the metada base.

    I'm going to look more into the HDR stuff. It applies obviously to 2D as well as 3D and I'd like to know more.

    PDF handling will get even better.

    I'm hearing that Java is going to kick ass(finally) in OSX.

    Oh btw if you haven't seen

    OpenEXR Rocks!

    Ok i'm ready to beg borrow or steal to get my next Mac. Let's get this show on the road.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    When you say "text rendering doubled" do you mean it doubled in speed?

    Oh and, hmurchison, you've been hanging around the Mac community for quite a long time if I'm not mistaken. Am I to understand that you've never owned a Mac? How can that be? How did you learn so much about Mac technologies without having regular access to them?

    edit: ok, I see you own/owned 2 Macs.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    When you say "text rendering doubled" do you mean it doubled in speed?

    Oh and, hmurchison, you've been hanging around the Mac community for quite a long time if I'm not mistaken. Am I to understand that you've never owned a Mac? How can that be? How did you learn so much about Mac technologies without having regular access to them?

    edit: ok, I see you own/owned 2 Macs.

    KKS. Man I'm sitting on the sidelines watching everyone having fun with OSX and Apple Apps. But now is the time for a refresh. I'm going to get the next iMac if it has what I want and then late 2005 I might pick up an iBook for portability and taking to school. The guy that found out how to enable Quartz 2D said scrolling was visibly faster but perhaps I shouldn't have said doubled. Kind of interesting that Q2D was turned off..leads me to think Apple is not ready to take suggestions on it yet. They'll enable it soon enough, looks like the days of sluggish gui are gone.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Core Data looks to be the metada base.

    Actually, CoreData looks like while it may indeed be a good metadata basis, is more of a persistent modelling IO system. This means that you can have your model data spooled out to XML files, or to a database (SQLite), etc, without changing much of your code, and *none* of your program or internal representation.

    EnterpriseObjects did this um, ten years ago, but since the NeXT acquisition of Apple (wait, backup, reverse that), it's been essentially languishing. This brings the same sort of possibility (in a lightweight way) to the everyday app... *AND* leads the way to more database-ish file systems in the future, since the app won't *care* if the data is going into a file, or a database... it'll look the same to them. If they add in EOF database agnosticism, it'll be the rebirth of EOF, for the masses.

    This is excellent.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Oh btw if you haven't seen

    OpenEXR Rocks!

    Cool thanks....nothing I like seeing more than "ILM" + "Mac"...
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