CHALLENGE: Binding & Launch Related

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Afternoon Folks,

Hoping you bright minds can help me. This is one that's been bugging the hell out of me:

I am currently running a G4 DP 1.42, 512MB, 120GB, ATI Radeon 9000, OS x.3.4 for all of my design work. A couple of months ago I downloaded Maya PLE 5 and installed it (ostensibly, to learn it and use it as part of my design toolbox). The installation stalled and an error resulted towards the very end. The app cannot be uninstalled and reinstalled. The unistaller fails everytime.

This however did not affect the function of Maya itself-it works great. My other apps still work as well (Adobe CS, Contribute 2, Dreawweaver, Director, and Flash, Microsoft Office v.X, Final Cut Pro HD, Art Dircetors ToolKit).

However, most of my Apple apps won't launch. But they do work. In the past few weeks performing the following has allowed me to use my Apple apps for a short period of time (sometimes a week at a time); but, once one goes down all the others go down as well:

-System and application updates

-zapping the PRAM

-Starting Classic

-Starting AOL IM

Apple apps that won't properly launch (gets to a point after launch where holding down the icon in the dock shows "Application Not Responding") include :

-Activity Monitor, Address Book, Calculator, Console, Mail,

Safari, Terminal (but X11 works fine)

-Disk Utility, Network Utility, System Preferences, Stickies,

Installer (these apps launch fine but once you attempt a function,

like say using 'Ping' in the Network Utility, it stalls and must be

forced to quit.)

-Compressor, Soundtrack (these apps get to the intro screen then


-All the iApps except for iTunes; it still runs fine.

-OmniGraffle, OmniOutliner

Rebuilding the desktop has not worked.

Re-storing from the Applications DVD that came with the computer worked once but has never worked again.

I haven't had time to actually take my G4 into to the Apple store close by as I must make use of it everyday to work. I'm still hoping to solve this one myself.

Please help. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    ericeasonericeason Posts: 118member
    Try repairing the permissions with disk utility.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member
    If that doesn't help, take your Preferences folder (~/Library/Preferences) to the Desktop and reboot.

    If this fails too, create a new admin user and see if the troublesome apps work in that account.
  • Reply 3 of 5

    Originally posted by ericeason

    Try repairing the permissions with disk utility.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I forgot to include that detail. I've tried that doesn't work;

    though it does generate a query for you: how are permissions related to binding and application launch? That's kinda lost on me...
  • Reply 4 of 5
    1337_5l4xx0r1337_5l4xx0r Posts: 1,558member
    As an emergency suggestion: buy/borrow a second HD, install it, copy all your files (not apps) to it, maybe your mail and bookmarks, etc, boot from the OSX cd, reformat the troublesome HD, reinstall OSX and all patches, reinstall all apps, maybe skip Maya this time and copy your files back.

    This of course is a last resort. I have no idea what the source of your troubles is.

    Try logging in from a second account and see if the troubles persist, as another poster mentioned.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by Anthony_V

    how are permissions related to binding and application launch?

    Every file, including apps, has certain permissions set. They determine what users can do with that file: read, write and/or execute. These permissions are set separately for the file's owner, a group of users and all others. Furthermore, every app you launch acts on your behalf and with your permission, that is it has the exact same rights as you with regard to files and directories on your hard drive. If you don't have privileges to modify a file, an app you launch generally doesn't either.

    Every app has many files without access to which it cannot run, for example, plug-ins, libraries, etc. If permissions get corrupted in such a way that an app cannot open or modify its own component, the behaviour of the app is unpredicted for casual users. It can unexpectedly quit, fail to launch, make errors, etc.

    There is one more problem that plagues OS X apps - corrupted/duplicate/missing fonts. You should be extremely cautious when adding/removing fonts. To give you a sense of what's happening I can say that if you remove or disable the factory Helvetica, drag-n-drop stops working in iPhoto.
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