What is ATA100 ? ATI 9000 pro ?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all,

What is ATA100 in the new G4 ?

How is it, compared to the old G4 ?

And how is the new ATI Radeon 9000pro video card, compared to the 8500 ? How can you compare the 9000pro card to the NVidia GF4 Ti ?

I just need to know....



  • Reply 1 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    ATA is a Hard Drive interface that supports 100 megabyts per second throughput. The Radeon 9000 is a new 3D Graphics Processing Unit that support programmability....meaning game designers can add code that program the card to do certain functions. I believe it also has Pixel Shaders which would be a benefit over a Geforce MX I believe CMIIAW
  • Reply 2 of 9
    imudimud Posts: 140member

    These are from the powermac pages on Apple's site. :cool:
  • Reply 3 of 9
    pyr3pyr3 Posts: 946member
    [quote]Originally posted by Kali:

    <strong>Hi all,

    What is ATA100 in the new G4 ?

    How is it, compared to the old G4 ?

    And how is the new ATI Radeon 9000pro video card, compared to the 8500 ? How can you compare the 9000pro card to the NVidia GF4 Ti ?

    I just need to know....


    ATI's 9700 beats up the GeForce4 horribly, it comes out before Sept I think.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    <a href="http://www.apple.com/pr/photos/powermac/0208pmg4.html"; target="_blank">http://www.apple.com/pr/photos/powermac/0208pmg4.html</a>;

    (beautiful 10MB TIFF detailing the guts of the new Mac. Looks best in photoshop, of course because it's all color tweaked.)

    so, the ATA66 channel is for the media bays and the ATA100 channel is for the harddrives?

  • Reply 5 of 9
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    The 9000 Pro and 9700 are different cards: the 9000 Pro is also out much sooner.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    xaqtlyxaqtly Posts: 450member
    There's actually three ATA busses... one ATA-100 for two hard drives, one ATA-66 for another two hard drives, and I'm assuming another ATA-66 for the two optical drives.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    myahmacmyahmac Posts: 222member
    exactly xaqtly
  • Reply 8 of 9
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    oh - ok

    I see the other channel.


    there are still only two controllers - but there are three channels.

    Too bad they didnt double up on the ATA100 instead . . .

    although, I think two channels on an ATA100 slows it down?

    or is that just having two drives on the same channel?
  • Reply 9 of 9
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    [quote]Originally posted by cinder:

    <strong>oh - ok

    I see the other channel.


    there are still only two controllers - but there are three channels.


    Nope, each channel "belongs" to one controller.

    However, each ATA channel can accomodate two drives, one master and one slave.


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