Fuse ads, anyone have picts?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I seems fuse is making ads poking fun at apple's ads for the ipod. does anyone have pictures of them?

Fuse Marketing Campaign Spoofs Apple IPod Ads

Seeking to expand its growing franchise among the hip youth market, the Fuse 24-hour music television network on Monday launched a new ad campaign that plays on the wildly popular iPod "silhouette" billboards.

"Our ad strategy has always been to poke fun at the most prominent issues in pop culture. We're just playing with the hot buttons," said Marc Juris, president of Fuse, which in the past has poked fun at rival MTV and others in various ads.

In its latest ad campaign, Fuse borrows from the figures in black silhouette that have been a signature of Apple's high-profile campaign for its popular digital music player iPod.

Launched in May 2003, Fuse now reaches nearly 40 million subscribers and is available primarily on satellite and digital cable systems.

Calling the ads a "nod" to Apple's contribution to the digital music revolution, Juris said, "We're going after music lovers and are all about being interactive and the iPod has clearly redefined the way people experience music," he said.

One of the ads, which debuts Monday on phone kiosks, buses, posters and bus shelters in New York City, Fuse, owned by Cablevision System Corp.'s Rainbow Media, displays what appears to be a PG-13-rated version of the popular iPod billboard ads, featuring the silhouette of a naked woman pole-dancing in front of a TV with the slogan. "fuse music television. watch different."

A spokeswoman for Fuse said the network did not anticipate any negative reaction from Apple, which was unavailable for comment.

"The only dialogue I've had with Apple is with technical support for help with my Mac or one of my three iPods," said Juris, a self-described Apple Computer Inc. fan.

The outdoor campaign will expand to other cities and the ads will also appear in some national music magazines like "Alternative Press" and "Vice." Fuse has gained a foothold in the video music market with its edgy ads, innovative programming and strategy to embrace MTV's abandoned formula of airing non-stop music videos.

In the past, it has taken swipes at its much larger rival MTV with an ad in the New York Post a week after the infamous MTV-produced Janet Jackson (news) Super Bowl halftime costume fiasco declaring, "MTV, we at Fuse are standing with you!"

MTV, owned by Viacom Inc. and launched in 1981, has a reach of 402 million cable and satellite subscribers worldwide, including about 88 million in the United States, while MTV2, which launched in 1996, reaches about 55 million U.S. cable and satellite subscribers.

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