Buy Advise, Nvidia GF6800 vs ATI 9800 XT

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I am in the process of buying 2.5 Duel G5 Desk top with 23" Apple monitor. I need to use video and graphic based applications(PS,Other Adobe..) and of course nice Mac games.

Appreciate any help re. which card is suitable in terms of speed and display and any URL's that done tests on these cards.

I am a Broadcast Engineer so Pls. free to be technical.

Buy Advise, Nvidia GF6800 vs ATI 9800 XT


  • Reply 1 of 6
    kcom2006kcom2006 Posts: 69member
    6800... NO QUESTION !!!!!

    That's what I bought, 23" with G5 2.5, 6800.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    mattbmattb Posts: 59member
    Well the Geforce 6800 Ultra isn't isn't shipping yet for the Mac so there's no Mac specific benchmarks out that I'm aware of. On the PC side the 6800 Ultra shows much greater performance than the ATI 9800XT, especially at higher resolutions and when antialiasing and ansiotopic filtering are enabled.

    PC benchmarks can be found here and here and keep in mind MacOS uses OpenGL so the OpenGL based benchmarks should be the best indicator of Mac 3D performance.

    It is debatable exactly what effect a card like this will have on 2D applications, most likely I'd guess we wouldn't notice the difference. Quartz Extreme and Core Image on the other hand may show gains.

    Now if only ATI would release the X800XT for the Mac...

    I'm planning to get the NVidia 6800 Ultra with my dual 2.5Ghz G5. If the price difference doesn't put you off, I'd suggest the same.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    6800 will be the better card, but is there anything the 9600xt wont be able to handle? its going to get a good push with those dual 2.5s I myself am going with the 9600xt for a year or 2 then ill upgrade the card when even better stuff comes. I feel at 1024 x 768 it will have little problems but if you are wanting higher resolutions and high frames then the faster cards might be needed. wish we had some 2.5 benches to look at. anyways the 6800 is suppose to be better at open gl
  • Reply 4 of 6
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    6800 will be the better card, but is there anything the 9600xt wont be able to handle?

    Maybe not now, but in the future there will be stuff that's going to hurt a 9800XT badly, and not the 6800.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    madmax559madmax559 Posts: 596member
    im biased towards nvidia

    esp if its for a x86 class machine

    their driver support is top notch

    im running an old gforce 3 ti200

    dualbooting win2k & linux (gentoo)

    if running x86 with a large display then the 6800

    would be the way to go
  • Reply 6 of 6
    sirisiri Posts: 10member
    Thanks for the all the replies and I decided to go with Nvidia 6800
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