GF2mx / GF3 in Jaguar ? :
Does the GF3 have pixel/vertex shaders?
[the gf2mx doesn't]
will that impair the visual of jaguar on-screen?
have anyone happened to try the difference between the two cards in a pre-released jaguar????
I'm trying to decipher if I should sell my gf3 for a gf2mx [since i don't play much games, and I want no-fan].
[the gf2mx doesn't]
will that impair the visual of jaguar on-screen?
have anyone happened to try the difference between the two cards in a pre-released jaguar????
I'm trying to decipher if I should sell my gf3 for a gf2mx [since i don't play much games, and I want no-fan].
<strong>Does the GF3 have pixel/vertex shaders?
[the gf2mx doesn't]
will that impair the visual of jaguar on-screen?
have anyone happened to try the difference between the two cards in a pre-released jaguar????
I'm trying to decipher if I should sell my gf3 for a gf2mx [since i don't play much games, and I want no-fan].</strong><hr></blockquote>
Im running a geforce 3 and i see nothing implemente in jaguar to take advantage of the pixel shaders etc. The only thing the geforce 3 is good for in jaguar is the 64mb vid ram thats good for quartz extreme. If you want, i have a geforce 2 mx that I'll trade you for your Geforce 3. E-mail me,
The only area you will likely notice a difference is in games.
they'll both run roughly the same [speed-wise] also?
does the gf3 have vertex/pixel shaders?
would a 64meg version of the gf2mx help out? or should i just go for the 32meg version?
how would 64megs over a 32meg version of the gf2mx help under general OS usage?
like, what would be some differences between them when using the OS? [not gaming]
<strong>........ i meant........
how would 64megs over a 32meg version of the gf2mx help under general OS usage?
like, what would be some differences between them when using the OS? [not gaming]
thanks </strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
<img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>
and how can you qualify that answer?
from what i understand about how QE works, window contents are basically converted to 3D textures and then composited. more memory on the card means more texture/frame buffer without resorting to main memory.
so, i would say that 64MB card would offer better performance than a 32MB card. this has yet to be proven/disproven.
doesn't anyone know if the 64meg comes fanless?
Some PDF document, which I can't find, noted the addition of pixel shading extensions in Jaguar. I believe it was covered in that Quartz Extreme slide show.
then i should keep my gf3?
any confirmation into pixel/vertex shader support for QE?