strange mouse actions

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014

i'm not sure if this has been mentioned before or if others have had similar experience. i have just bought a new G5 and now that i am using it i have found that the mouse pointer will jump position spontaneously. it just happened again now : as i was going through the File dropdown menu in Photoshop the pointer quantum leaped over to the top right corner of the screen where it activated the volume control. this happens on a routine basis and is quite irritating. the 'leaps' are unpredictable and generally result in the pointer shifted to the extreme margins of the monitor screen. sometimes it appears in the dock. not sure how to fix it or if it is a driver issue with the video card ( Radeon 128 ).

also does anyone know of any software utility that enables larger pointer sizes. at 1600x1200 and leaping arrows i find myself searching the screen for the mouse pointer far to often..




  • Reply 1 of 7
    What kind of mouse? The one that came with the computer? Do you have a different one you can try? At least then you can narrow it down to a mouse problem or a computer problem.
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  • Reply 2 of 7

    Originally posted by rlindeman

    What kind of mouse? The one that came with the computer? Do you have a different one you can try? At least then you can narrow it down to a mouse problem or a computer problem.

    it is the Apple optical mouse that came with the computer. cripes as i was working on Photoshop it happened again. but this time i was moving a window and the jump happened, oddly since it happened while on down click the leap took the window with it! window intantaneously snapped to the right. it's as if the screen position gets lost or the mouse driver over does the action. i'd assume that what might be happening is not a quantum leap but rather a spontaneous super fast overriding movement in the direction of my normal movement, which results in it colliding into the screen margin.

    i don't need this... especially when i am trying to get my color managment figured out

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  • Reply 3 of 7
    Check the optics on the mouse. If they get dirty they can be pretty eratic. Or, maybe try plugging the mouse into a different USB port.
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  • Reply 4 of 7

    Originally posted by rlindeman

    Check the optics on the mouse. If they get dirty they can be pretty eratic. Or, maybe try plugging the mouse into a different USB port.

    optics is fine, it's all clean. changed the usb port and the issue still remains. it has so for happened about 5 times. now it is appearing just short of the screen margins. and i think it is a tracking problem. the mouse position leaps diagonally or laterally and then carries on as normal from the new position. gonna try and reinstall video drivers.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    'reinstall video drivers'??


    Why don't you try putting it on a non-shiny surface? Optical mice jump erratically if they're put on a highly polished or high gloss surface.
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  • Reply 6 of 7

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    'reinstall video drivers'??


    Why don't you try putting it on a non-shiny surface? Optical mice jump erratically if they're put on a highly polished or high gloss surface.

    i was wondering about the surface also. but the last while i have been using a matte finished mice pad. i think i'll install my old puck mouse and see if anything improves.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    thedustinthedustin Posts: 176member
    The matte acrylic mouse pads that were great for the ball mice, kinda suck for the optical. Mine jumps around every once and a while. I use the old Apple mouse pad that came with our Performa from way back when.

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