Modem question
I set up a G5 this weekend . This is my first OSX experience. I have, what is probbaly a very simple question. If I set the PPP options to dial my ISP when needed, the modem dials whenever I start up the computer. Shutting off all startup applications did not stop this. What am I missing?
I set up a G5 this weekend . This is my first OSX experience. I have, what is probbaly a very simple question. If I set the PPP options to dial my ISP when needed, the modem dials whenever I start up the computer. Shutting off all startup applications did not stop this. What am I missing?
Originally posted by Beige_G3
I set up a G5 this weekend . This is my first OSX experience. I have, what is probbaly a very simple question. If I set the PPP options to dial my ISP when needed, the modem dials whenever I start up the computer. Shutting off all startup applications did not stop this. What am I missing?
Well - a wild shot - at least one app constantly wants to update themself:
To avoid this particular behavior (dailing in after start up)
you should go to the pref pane, there you just click onto "Quicktime".
Make sure the option "Automatic search for update" is unchecked.
AND of course THE ENTIRE SYSTEM seeks to update themself.
Again, go to the pref pane, there you click onto "Software Update"
Make sure the option "search for update" is unchecked.
Don't worry, you can allways update system components manually.
Perhaps that helps.
Originally posted by Beige_G3
Thanks so much for your input. I had not thought of those two options. Unfortunately, they were not the cause.
You could install some app that watches the network traffic then you would know which one was starting the PPP connection for sure.
Some that will do the trick:
Little snitch
Probably others.
Also this is probably doable at the command line but I don't know the technique.
Thanks eveyone . Ill let u know what happens.
I jusst connect when I need to, which personally I find better, as it makes me feel like I am in control of my machine, not the other way around.