Really great ideas Apple will never do or be too late

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in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
It seems that there have been a lot of great ideas tossed around the rumor mills that we all cross our fingers for whenever Apple makes a big announcement and are always disappointed. It would seem almost part of Apple's nature to resist the mainstream even when it makes sense. Sometimes this is for the better, but other times it leaves us wringing our hands pleading "why?"

So just for the sake of keeping track here's the list of good ideas much talked about that Apple will pass on for as long as possible.

1. iPad

2. PDA (ok, another PDA)

3. iTV (or Tivokiller, or HTPC, or whatever you like to call it- not ala MacTV)

4. Thin Clients (not internet PCs, but LAN consoles with GPUs hooked to a good server)

5. Reasonably price their ram & extra iDisk space.

6. Form alliance with Nintendo (some have suggested Disney-)

Did I miss any? Personally, I think #1,2, & 3 are a must.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Yeah thats something I've been saying for a long time now that macs are running OSX and its more multi user friendly. To expand on the digital hub idea, Apple will do good to produce thin clients, which would be stylised versions of the dumb terminals u see on uni campus which are connected to some UNIX mainframe. For this to work they must be cheap, affordable and thin. Imagine one powerful PowerMac in the house and all members of the family can log on to it with their own client (thin desktop or thin laptop). dad can finish that document in bed, mom can look up the recipe in the kitchen, the kids can do their homework on the front porch... all running off the one server...

    another idea is an apple remote control. with the same set of buttons that intuitively has different functions depending on the application running... eg if u were playing a dvd or itunes, the remote control can control the mac as if it were a traditional dvd player or hifi (and u could flip thru the active apps on the remote).

    and to be more hub friendly, the macs need RCA audio out as standard, like the vaios. Video in/out should be provided by the video card.
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  • Reply 2 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by Nordstrodamus:

    <strong>It seems that there have been a lot of great ideas tossed around the rumor mills that we all cross our fingers for whenever Apple makes a big announcement and are always disappointed.

    Did I miss any?</strong><hr></blockquote>
    • Ginger

    • Buy sgi

    • Cut Kid Rock's hair

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  • Reply 3 of 3
    [quote]Originally posted by BerberCarpet:

    • Ginger

    • Buy sgi

    • Cut Kid Rock's hair


    Ginger! There's something that stirred a lot of controversy!

    What ever became of that?
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