Is thera an app similar to Taskmenubar available for OS X?

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
I've noticed lately that there are more apps available for the menubar. I used to use taskmenubar for classic and loved it. What it did basically, was put small icons of open apps in the menubar and the active app was highlighted which made it easy to know what app you were in. Also, you could click on any of the icons in the menubar to get to that app.

(The dock is not cutting it. It uses screen space and gets in my way. If I autohide it, then I have to move the mouse over to a small predefined area to get it to pop up to see what is running. A stupid waste of time in my opinion)

Does anybody know if there is a similar program available for OS X? (I've heard of Ambar but can't find a download link that works.)
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