My Airport Express Arrived...

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Today Fedex arrived with my Airport Express, after it left Taiwan on Monday. I'm surprised that the Airport Express is not shipped from within the USA.

Well, I only had thirty minutes before I had to get ready to leave the house, but I did a lot in that thirty minutes. First, I got the wireless network running with all my settings. That didn't surprise, for that is always pretty easy with wireless routers. However, I also got the printing to work PERFECTLY from my Mac & PC. Yay! I've been trying to have an easy way to print from both my Mac & my PCs. It truly works great! Thank you Apple!

I tested out AirTunes tonight. It works great, but I can't truly use Airtunes until I get a second Airport Express for the living room. Overall, the Airport Express surprised me. It is amazing that you get so much for only $120. The benefits of a wireless router, air tunes, and printing to your USB printer from anywhere in the house. Plus, it is so tiny. This product really blows me away. I only hope that the public realizes how powerful it is.


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    I received mine on Monday and I have to echo most of what you said, the wireless networking and printing were a breeze to setup, as was the AT network.

    I love using AirTunes!! I have the AE hooked into my Sony receiver w/ Aperion Audio speakers. (Best audio setup a poor schlub like me can afford.) The only disappointing issue so far has been the optical connection to my receiver. When one track ends and the next one starts, about 1-2 seconds of the beginning of the song is dropped. I found on Apple's discussion forums that the optical signal drops out between tracks and it takes the receiver a second or so to sync back up to it when the next song/optical signal starts. Kind of a bummer as I bought the Monster Cable kit mainly for the optical cable (and the longer power cable.) Not really Apple's fault but I'm hoping they will figure out a way to resolve this. I switched to the RCA cable and AT works perfectly.

    All in all, I'm very impressed with it. Great feature set for the price all in a box the size of a deck of cards. 8)
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