Which Apple is best for Audio?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I want to buy and apple for audio purposes, but i've been told that iMacs arn't as stable as the Power Macs or G4 towers. How true is this? The iMacs price and spec is so tempting these days that i'm not sure what to go for. Also, how do those G4 Powerbooks rate for audio? Does anyone have any tips?

Any help is appreciated.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    The iMac will be just as stable as a powermac or even an eMac.

    Hardware is not as important in computer stability as is the OS, and OS X is a pretty darn stable OS.

    g5 iMacs are coming in a week or so, they will definitely be powerful enough for audio recording and such. The 17 or 21" widescreen is a nice bonus to.

    My g4 powerbook can run Garageband just fine, I've had upto 40 tracks simultaneously with no serious lag problems. I have no latency when recording, and playback is fine.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    Well, one stray broken part in a machine (i.e. bad RAM) will give you instability, so hardware is definitely important. It's difficult to say which Apple machine has the best quality, since any machine can come with bad parts, if you're unlucky.
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