Am I the only one sick to death of iPod mania?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I start my day with MacSurfer. It is an excelent Mac centric news headline Site with a amattering of general computing thrown in. Lately, almost every headline has been about the iPod in some form or other. As far as the press is concerned, the only thing Apple has going for it is the iPod. Wall Street seems to agree. No one is excited about any of Apple's computer hardware offerings. Rather than creating a halo effect, such lopsided intrest only serves to further marginalize the Mac. The message that you get from all this is "Hey, look! Apple finally did something right!" That does not make people want to go out and purchase the perceived failures. Apple is in serious need of a Mac product that can generate the attention that the iPod currently enjoys. Otherwise, the Mac brand will slowly erode to the point of irrelavence, if it hasn't already.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I just read an article from MacSurfer that said there indeed has been a halo effect. They even used that term.

    Anything that puts them in the news is good news for now.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm personally hoping for an ad campaign that basically says "You thought the iPod was cool. Take a look at our other stuff".
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Please tell me do any of you own an ipod ? If so give it to someone else you dont deserve to carry it. And if you dont then your jelious.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member

    Originally posted by bunge

    I just read an article from MacSurfer that said there indeed has been a halo effect. They even used that term.

    Anything that puts them in the news is good news for now.

    I have also seen such articles but no evidence. Apple revenue is fine but not unit sales of Macs. I do not believe that iPod coverage does anytbing for Mac interest except provide a contrast to how poorly the computer side of things is doing. I don't like it, I say.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,441member
    I don't think the unit sales are doing poorly. Looking at Apples 5 year history you see the "iMac" spike of early 2k when Apple was shipping over a million a quarter. A couple of years later sales seem to plateau at around 700k-800k a qtr. Nothing Apple does will cause a meteoric rise in sales. The iPod is a business they can build seperate from the Macintosh line. If Apple can build this into a Billion dollar industry then that relieves them of the pressure of selling Macs to obtain this revenue. Once they develop additional revenue streams they can branch out in other areas causing Mac sales to increase.

    Let's be honest..when MS Office is our best biz App it isn't looking good for Mac sales. Apple's sales will remain stagnant until they start providing some good software that is only available on the platform. Still waiting for the Final Cut Pro of the biz sector.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I'm personally hoping for an ad campaign that basically says "You thought the iPod was cool. Take a look at our other stuff".

    there already iMac and iPod = same soul
  • Reply 7 of 10
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I'm personally hoping for an ad campaign that basically says "You thought the iPod was cool. Take a look at our other stuff".

    OH YEAH. Look at Apple's front page! They obviously saw my post.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    OH YEAH. Look at Apple's front page! They obviously saw my post.

    This is what I'm talking about. The iMac is a mere afterthought and requires the iPod to sell it. The iMac becomes an accessary to the iPod and not the other way around. I am glad Apple has the iPod. But Apple is a computer hardware manufacturer, at least they were.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    tuttletuttle Posts: 301member

    Originally posted by Mac Voyer

    The iMac is a mere afterthought and requires the iPod to sell it.

    That's just silly.

    You're just portraying the ad in a light to make an a priori conclusion.

    If you look at statements made by new iPod owners, there is a common theme from the people who have never owned Apple's products before:

    "I bought an iPod and it is fantastic. I had no idea Apple's products were this good. I now see why Apple owners are so enthusiastic about their products. I wish my peecee was as easy to use as my iPod - I plan on buying a Mac the next time I buy a computer."

    I've seen some form of those sentiments over and over again on the Net.

    And it reveals the secret of iPod mania - it's really Apple mania. Vast numbers of people are getting their first chance to see Apple unencumbered by all the messy entanglements that are involved in the desktop market that force people into having to own a MS peecee - and they like what they are seeing.
  • Reply 10 of 10
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Mac Voyer

    This is what I'm talking about. The iMac is a mere afterthought and requires the iPod to sell it. The iMac becomes an accessary to the iPod and not the other way around. I am glad Apple has the iPod. But Apple is a computer hardware manufacturer, at least they were.

    You're making the issue sound dire. It's not.

    I think that this is great. Many PC users see the iPod, love the iPod, perhaps have an iPod, but have no clue that it's made by Apple, and that Apple makes computers, too!

    Perhaps this marketing scheme is painful for Mac users, because we already knew that the iPod was Apple produced, and that Apple makes iMacs, but many people don't, and this campaign will wake them up to the fact that Apple makes other things than the iPod.
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