Something other than iMac G5

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
While i'm sure a new, sporty, G5 iMac that Apple doesn't have the production capacity for will be announced later on tonight (tonight for me anyways) I have another idea about something...

What about Apple introducing an iPod update for all current and past generations featuring some fourth generation features? Why you might ask? Because one of the new features would of course be anti-harmony firmware

Whatcha think?

I really would like to see an update to iTunes though. Something new and cool for me to play with.

Oh, and I bet they'll introduce the new iSight tonight at which point they'll iChat with Steve in the states where he'll introduce the new G5 iMac followed by Phil talking about it. They won't trust Phil to handle the actual Thunder. \

Poor Phil. If he weren't such a loser i'd feel sorry for him.


P.S. It just occurred to me that if anyone wants to chat you can go here to do so:

No one should have to stay up WAY to late to hear exciting news by themselves
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