Switcher looking into PowerBook...

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Ok... So it's time for me to make the jump to the sugarcoated world of mac. In approx 1-2 months I will probably buy a 12" mac laptop which will become my main computer. I'll use it for a little bit of everything. Music creation apps, word processing, the odd photoshop session, wathching a movie or two etc.

Since until two weeks back I was determined to buy a BTO 12" iBook (768MB RAM, BT, AirPort Extreme and bigger HD) but now I'm not so sure anymore. The 12" SuperDrive PowerBook is looking awfully nice.

I'll be going to Japan as an exchange student for a year in a month and considering the huge price difference compared to Sweden, where I live, I'll probably make the purchase in Japan. Presumably online via Apple Edu Store Japan since authorized Apple sellers don't have the educational discounts available online. Or am I wrong? I was kind of hoping that larger Japanese chain of stores like Yodobashi Camera would have such discounts but it doesn't seem like it. I won't be near a brick-and-mortar Apple Store in any case (I'll be studying in Sendai).

Since I was planning on buying a DVD-burner in Japan anyway I thought; "couldn't it be worth buying a Superdrive 12" PB right away instead?". The iBook might be closer to its bigger brother with its current specs but as long as there isn't a BTO option of including a DVD-burner and those other bells-and-whistles of the PB series the gap is wide enough for me to consider a PB instead of an iBook.

I'm worrying about a few things, though. I've read a lot of reports regarding battery life which says the iBook is actually better in that aspect. Ok, so the PB is faster. That extra speed has to come from somewhere, but is the battery life of the iBook only marginally better or are we talking an hour or so during "normal" conditions?

Also what about making purchases in foreign countries and the "danger" of having to pay import tax etc? When I return to my country in a year with the mac that I would have owned for about as long, I have probably forgotten about such things so I thought I'd better ask before I forget. I'm hoping they won't even take look since the PB will probaly be burried deep inside my bag together with the rest if my stuff.

Also, I use Reason (www.propellerheads.se) alot and thankfully it's crossplatform (the install CD is a hybrid CD so I don't even have to make a crossgrade or buy a new license - that's how things *should* work but never mind ) but are there any file system problems I might bump into? I was thinking of using the PB in HD-mode and connect it to my old Wintel laptop via firewire and just copy all the files I need to the PB. MP3s, Reason-made songs/files/soundbanks etc. That would work, right? (I'll bring my Wintel laptop to Japan.)

I might think of further questions along the way but I think that's it for now. Sorry for the long post.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    I'd buy it here.

    The majority of its life will be here.

    Did you want the system to be Japanese? It'll no doubt be the localized version installed out of the box...

    ...which is cool if you know Japanese fluently, but if not...

    (I can only assume you could take the installer disc and install the English version over it but I wouldn't assume that, I'd ask...)

    You could always call an Apple Store in Japan or maybe even Apple directly here in the states.

    Japan is extremely expensive and Apple products especially so. There's a reason why PCs dominate Asia, and it isn't PC's high quality or ease-of-use.

    Edu discount in the States is your best bet.

    Or buy used on Ebay or Craigslist (for your town).

    12" PowerBook w/ SuperDrive:

    US: $1,799.00

    Japan: $1,915.80 (¥209,790)

    And probably import tax on top of that (not sure). And who knows what's involved with repairs and returns and AppleCare. By the time things fall apart you'll be back here.

    But ask Apple is your best bet.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    blipblip Posts: 23member
    Whoah, that was quick, thanks for the reply!

    Actually I want the system and especially the keyboard to be Japanese so that is not a problem. And from what I understand localizing Mac OSX isn't such a hassle as it is with Windows whereas you actually need another version/CD to install. Am I wrong about this? I'd probably localize into Swedish and change between using Japanese and Swedish (and of course english...). The japanese keyboard has two very nice keys for shifting between kana and roman characters.

    I know that Japan is an expensive country but when it comes to electronics it's the other way around compared to where I live. Even Apple products are *much* cheaper over there. Sadly, there isn't any way for me to buy from the US Edu store since I live in Sweden. As for warranty buying a thing such as a PowerBook I thought I'd be getting a warranty eligible all over the world?

    Let's say I'd buy a BTO PowerBook 12" SD with 768MB RAM (using Apple's expensive RAM price):

    In Swedens Apple Edu Store this would cost me: 2,663.13 USD

    In Japans Apple Edu Store this would cost me: 1,993.17 USD

    Taking into account that I get a japanese keyboard (something I actually want to have) I'd say this is as good as it's gonna get.

    Edit: In the US it'd cost me 1,869.00 USD but I'd have to add shipping to that. Since I can't order directly from the US Apple Store I'd have to have someone doing it for me.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    OS X is multilingual anyway, so unless they deselected every option but Japanese when installing it, you can just make a few clicks and your OS is English, you don't even have to restart the machine.

    However, the keyboard WILL be Japanese layout, if you buy it in a "brick-and-mortar" store, as you put it.
  • Reply 4 of 6

    Originally posted by blip

    Actually I want the system and especially the keyboard to be Japanese so that is not a problem. And from what I understand localizing Mac OSX isn't such a hassle as it is with Windows whereas you actually need another version/CD to install. Am I wrong about this? I'd probably localize into Swedish and change between using Japanese and Swedish (and of course english...). The japanese keyboard has two very nice keys for shifting between kana and roman characters.

    I'm Norwegian, but I study in australia. I bought my first powerbook in Australia i 2002, and sold it in 2004 back in Norway. No problems there. The law in Norway (which would be pretty similair to Sweden), is that if you live outside of Norway for 12 months, you can bring anything with you back, for personal use. So you should have no troubles with your PowerBook. On top of that, I have never ever experienced that they check this at the customs when I get back home...

    I bought my second PowerBook in Norway, though. Studying outside of norway, I could claim taxes back, which is 24% in norway. You can probably do the same in sweeden. Chech with your customs office (Tullen). Taxes in sweeden is 20%, isn´ it ? That would bring your sweedish price down to 2130, which would be a lot easier to sell when you get back to sweeden. I had no trouble selling my powerbook with an australian keyboard, but I think I'd have a lot more trouble selling it if it had a japanese keyboard layout...

    But you should have no trouble buying it in japan and taking it back. Just call the customs office and ask...

  • Reply 5 of 6
    blipblip Posts: 23member
    Heh...forgot about actually looking if there was such a rule but you got me on the right track, thanks!

    Found a pdf regarding my scenario (more than a year and things for personal use) and it seems like we have a similar law here in Sweden so no problem there it seems. Might contact the customs office before I go and check with them just in case.

    Not planning on selling it for a long time and I really want the japanese keyboard considering I'll use its functions alot so no worries about whether I can sell it later or not.
  • Reply 6 of 6

    Originally posted by blip

    Heh...forgot about actually looking if there was such a rule but you got me on the right track, thanks!

    Found a pdf regarding my scenario (more than a year and things for personal use) and it seems like we have a similar law here in Sweden so no problem there it seems. Might contact the customs office before I go and check with them just in case.

    Not planning on selling it for a long time and I really want the japanese keyboard considering I'll use its functions alot so no worries about whether I can sell it later or not.

    If selling it later isn't of any problems for you, then you should have no trouble!

    Glad to be of help.

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