iMac graphic card upgrade?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I know apple doesn't make it easy to upgrade the iMac. But I am just wondering if it is possible to upgrade the card in a iMac G4? Not so much that I want to do it. I just want to know if there is a humanly possible way that you can.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I don't know if it's a regular GeForce 2MX card soldered to the motherboard, or if it's actually integrated into the motherboard (as in, the only way you can tell is that is has a little printed box around it labeled "graphics card" or something). If it's soldered to the motherboard, then it may be possible (with a LOT of technical prowess) to replace it. If it's integrated completely, then it would require a replacement motherboard with a newer graphics card integrated into it, something that would probably be harder than just spending the time to work and make more money so you can afford a new machine.

    It MIGHT be possible to replace the motherboard of one of the 15" models with the 17" one to get the faster 800 MHz chip and the GeForce 4MX, but Apple probably has some firmware that prevents this, and they may require different power supplies, etc. There's no telling how many things could go wrong.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    LOL yea I figured it would almost be impossible... But I had a friend ask me to find out for him if there was a way.

    \tSpeaking of upgrades did you know that powerlogix makes a Dual 800Mhz chip for the Cube. Now that is something worth doing!!! Wow dual 800s in that little box. I plan on keeping the cube forever!!!! hehe anyone with a cube this is a great deal. The chip set costs about 800$. Not cheap but you get a very fast comp for half the price of a new one. And just the idea of dual 800 in that little cube...
  • Reply 3 of 6
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    You think a dual 800 in a Cube is cool, imagine an 800 MHz G4 processor in a pre-G3 PCI PowerMac! That's right, you can put an 800 MHz G4 in a PowerMac 7500.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    No, plain and simple. Even if you are a nVidia or Apple engineer that is hany with a sodering iron you wouldn't be able to ge from a GeForce2 MX to any thing other than a faster GeForce2 MX.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Dual G4s in a Cube? Thermal wear?
  • Reply 6 of 6
    overhopeoverhope Posts: 1,123member
    You put in a fan in... both PowerLogix and Sonnet are being pretty upfront about this, and provide fans for all their Cube upgrades.

    There have been guys running Dual 450 and 500 Cubes for a while now with nothing unpleasant to report.

    That said, I think I'll get a nice single 1GHz.
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