Moved: Info on scanners/printers?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Just beginning to shop around for both a new scanner and printer. I'm wondering if anyone has seen any thorough comparisons of what is currently (and soon to be) out there. Especially interested in reviews.

I've tried poking around on the Macworld and MacAddict sites, and can't seem to get all the info I need.

Basically, looking for midrange scanner. As far as a printer: midrange inkjet, possibly a little higher. I'm not sure if a photo printer is necessary. Mostly use my current Epson 850 for proofing designs/color - lots of type.

Ideas? Suggestions?

Somebody please move this post to GD. (Oops)

Thanks in advance

[ 10-11-2002: Message edited by: hook ]

[ 10-11-2002: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>


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