HELP: Preparing to switch...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I now have a good job, and will soon be upgradeing my rig...YEHAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

The decision is not yet final, but I am 99% sure that it will be a Mac and 90% sure it will be a low end PMG5.

My questions really revolve around what else to get if anything at the same here we go...

I have a VGA CRT monitor - 17', Will it work out of the box?

I am thinking of getting keynote, If I make a presentation in keynote and export it to give in class on a winblows box, will the transitions/effects/coolness in general be lost?

I share a Lexmark Z71 with a windows XP home box (I only print, rarely if ever scan/copy) will this work or should I get a new printer for the Mac?

Does Mac OSX have a basic html/java tool like notepad built in?

I run office 2k3 on windows, I will run office 2k4 on the mac, aside from the obvious (ala gui) what will I find different?

anything else I should do/read/buy with my mac?

OH YEA ONE MORE ThING, I will be needing an APE card, If I have the apple store guys put it in, does that effect the return policy? I dont want nor do i plan to return it but with Murphys law...ya' just never know...


  • Reply 1 of 2

    Originally posted by a_greer

    I now have a good job, and will soon be upgradeing my rig...YEHAWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The decision is not yet final, but I am 99% sure that it will be a Mac and 90% sure it will be a low end PMG5.

    My questions really revolve around what else to get if anything at the same here we go...

    I have a VGA CRT monitor - 17', Will it work out of the box?

    Most likely, yes. Make sure you have a DVI-VGA adapter. They are cheap. . . But seriously, get an iMac G5 or something. CRTs suck. Given that you interface with the monitor, it's really a very important thing.


    I am thinking of getting keynote, If I make a presentation in keynote and export it to give in class on a winblows box, will the transitions/effects/coolness in general be lost?

    Keynote is a beautiful thing, but it doesn't export to Powerpoint very for the simple reason that Powerpoint blows ass. Powerpoint doesn't do Alpha transparencies, for one thing, and the transitions will of course be gone. You can, alternatively, export to Quicktime, which works great. But Keynote is a beautiful thing. It is what Powerpoint should be, but never will be. I do all of my slide templates in Keynote, and I make slides for very discretionary people.


    I share a Lexmark Z71 with a windows XP home box (I only print, rarely if ever scan/copy) will this work or should I get a new printer for the Mac?

    If there's a mac Z71 driver, it will work. Even when shared through windows printer sharing.


    Does Mac OSX have a basic html/java tool like notepad built in?

    Dude. . . The Dev kit is free and comes with the OS. Project builder seems to recognize html tags, and there's a whole Java SDK built in. It's much better for coding than notepad. It's closer to Visual Studio than anything else MS offers.


    I run office 2k3 on windows, I will run office 2k4 on the mac, aside from the obvious (ala gui) what will I find different?

    It's slower and less stable, but otherwise works. Aside from the occasional trip to Excel, though, Office is mostly unecessary, but then again I've always done any kind of word processing in TextEdit/Quark. You might want to look into a Tex editor, given that Tex is cool, and you can run anything X11 on the



    anything else I should do/read/buy with my mac?

    A good monitor, and Escape Velocity. EV, if nothing else, will let you know how drunk you are. A game like gran turismo will also, but in EV you can at least play to some extent, even when hammered.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    [B]Most likely, yes. Make sure you have a DVI-VGA adapter. They are cheap. . . But seriously, get an iMac G5 or something. CRTs suck. Given that you interface with the monitor, it's really a very important thing.

    My next purchase after the Mac its self will most likely be a 20 inch cinema display.

    Thanks for the help.
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