USB2 and extension cables?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
What's the deal? I can't find any. I see extension cables for USB1. I see the USB2 cables with the 2 different ends on them. ...but I don't see any USB2 extension cables with the flat kind of connector (male on one end, female on the other- hence the extension capability). Is there something technical about this that precludes the existence of such a cable? I only need 6 ft. I could even get away with 3 ft (it just needs to reach around to plug into the back of my computer, so I don't have to pull out the box to plug it in everytime I want to plug in this external HD.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    russsrusss Posts: 115member
    6ft. USB 2.0 Extension cable, $1.99 at NewEgg.
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  • Reply 2 of 6
    So there it is! Thanks for the find. I still wonder why they are so uncommon? Though, I guess if this cable does exist here, then it isn't a technical issue of USB2, in particular, that is behind this.
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  • Reply 3 of 6

    Originally posted by Randycat99

    So there it is! Thanks for the find. I still wonder why they are so uncommon? Though, I guess if this cable does exist here, then it isn't a technical issue of USB2, in particular, that is behind this.

    i dont really see the point in USB2 anyways. if you want high speed transfers, use firewire. going from USB2 to 1 isnt going to make your printer any faster...

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  • Reply 4 of 6
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    Yes, obviously you buy a USB2 cable for use with USB2 devices which really can use that bandwidth. It is all backwards compatible with USB1, naturally.

    The big incentive (that I've seen) for exploring USB2 solutions over firewire, is cost. The firewire device or adaptor always seem a good notch more pricey than the USB2 implementation. I don't know why, really. I agree it can be all a bit confusing having multiple options, but the flipside is that you have multiple options, of course. So I just run with whatever connections are implied by the devices I am dealing with at the moment (and they most certainly are not firewire across the board).

    Perhaps, my search for USB2 stuff lately seems to revolve around this handy IDE-USB2 adapter I picked up not too long ago. It was cheap, all the electronics is literally consolidated inside the IDE plug, and it works great between any unmounted HD and my laptop. Any firewire solution I've found is definitely more expensive and involves an external card in a break-out box or an external HD case. Naturally, I am stuck at USB1 speeds when dealing with my BW Powermac (until I install a PCI upgrade card) and this IDE-USB2 cable, and it would have been firewire ready had I chosen a firewire external HD case. So I guess you give and take in one area to another.
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  • Reply 5 of 6
    Could you post a link to where we could get one of those IDE adapters?
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  • Reply 6 of 6
    randycat99randycat99 Posts: 1,919member
    It was at that Big O website. I'll see if I can dig the link back up...

    EDIT: It was at
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