Dimming screen on iMac G5 20"

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Well I bought my new iMac about 3 weeks ago, and the top half of the LCD screen seems to randomly dim to about 50% brightness. I can't seem to to figure out whats causing it, and I am wonderign if anyone else has had this problem with their iMac or any of the other apple cinema displays? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Tim Quinn


  • Reply 1 of 3
    If you have an apple store nearby, I'd recommend bringing it in for a little checkup. Sounds like a product defect.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    there is 2 floresent lights behind the display, one is just dying. you can either get a new bulb or a new screen. luckily you should still have the apple warranty.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Problem has been brought down to a faulty power inverter for the screen, apple care is sending me a replacement part yay.

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