Hawking Technology Airport Antenna?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hi Gain 6dB Omni-Directional Wireless Antenna For Apple Airport

Brand: Hawking Technology

I was looking for a Dr. Bott antenna and found this at CompUSA. It's less that 1/2 the price of the DR. Bott's. If it's crap the price is not the issue.

Anyone have any experience with Hawking?


  • Reply 1 of 11
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Never heard of that one. I just bought a Quickertech antenna. Price was about $70. (just reduced) Works OK. Now I can sit in the kitchen and surf. Couldn't get any signal there before. Now I get two bars.
  • Reply 2 of 11

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Never heard of that one. I just bought a Quickertech antenna. Price was about $70. (just reduced) Works OK. Now I can sit in the kitchen and surf. Couldn't get any signal there before. Now I get two bars.

    I can't find a lot of opinions on this brand either.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    I have 2 Hawking antennas, they aren't hooked up to an airport but just a regular linksys wireless access point, they work a lot better than the stock ones.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    rbrrbr Posts: 631member
    The Dr Bott antenna has received very mixed reviews. Many people have reported little, if any, improvement with it and it is rather pricy.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    regreg Posts: 832member
    I don't have that one but I recommend getting one that has a usb port for a printer. We use our laptops almost all the time so turning on a desktop to do printing is a waste.

  • Reply 6 of 11
    I have Airport Extreme and now I am thinking instead olf an antenna maybe I should do an Airport Express to add to my range. Opinions or experiences?
  • Reply 7 of 11
    regreg Posts: 832member
    It all depends on your location. The antenna will give you more range than your original AE but walls and ceilings drop that range alot. If the antenna will cover every place that you need then that is the way to go. Unless of course if you need it to connect to your stereo or another printer.

  • Reply 8 of 11

    Originally posted by reg

    It all depends on your location. The antenna will give you more range than your original AE but walls and ceilings drop that range alot. If the antenna will cover every place that you need then that is the way to go. Unless of course if you need it to connect to your stereo or another printer.


    Reg, without an antenna at all I can go as far as outside on my patio away from my G5 and get maybe 1/2 the signal on my Powerbook but there are times, all too frequently, it drops to near zero. I had settled on a Dr. Bott's when I saw the Hawking brand. I've seen some bad comments on Dr. Bott's and the price difference with the Hawkin...well, there's bad comments on these also. I don't mind spending the $50.00 or $100.00 but not for crap in either case. I'm trying to fix something that is mostly just a pain in my butt and I'm not convinced either will do the job. Best I can judge right now is it's 50/50 and having to return it if it doesn't work will leave me with my old pain as well as a new one having to take the time to return it.

    Guess I was hoping someone would give me reason better than 50/50 this would work.
  • Reply 9 of 11
    regreg Posts: 832member
    We have been wireless at our house since the first airport came out. The first was a dial up modem. We live out in the country so the best connection speed we ever got was 24.6 k. From that we learned where in the house was best for coverage. Since then and several base stations later, we have gotten cable internet. We added in a linksys wireless 4 port hub, an 8 port cisco switch, a Dr. Bott directional antenna for the AE and use one of the old snow base stations as a client for great reception in the furthest part of the house. The linksys drops out all the time. I found that adding the old base station was better than using the antenna, at least for us.

  • Reply 10 of 11

    Originally posted by reg

    We have been wireless at our house since the first airport came out. The first was a dial up modem. We live out in the country so the best connection speed we ever got was 24.6 k. From that we learned where in the house was best for coverage. Since then and several base stations later, we have gotten cable internet. We added in a linksys wireless 4 port hub, an 8 port cisco switch, a Dr. Bott directional antenna for the AE and use one of the old snow base stations as a client for great reception in the furthest part of the house. The linksys drops out all the time. I found that adding the old base station was better than using the antenna, at least for us.


    Thank you Reg! Great Info!
  • Reply 11 of 11
    Ive dealt with Hawking before, and the products are great. Im not sure about that particular one, but everything Ive used worked flawlessley.
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