Deploy PPDs and Configure Print Setup Utility via ARD?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I manage 200 Macs, all running 10.3.4 ( and ARD 2.1). All the Macs share a high res color RIP/printer (Xerox 2060). We are replacing the 2060 with a 6060 soon. Rather than having to manually "touch" each Mac to configure them for the new 2060 printer, can I do it via ARD? Copying the PPDs isn't the problem, that can be done easily and quickly, but the biggest challenge is this:

How can I not only deploy the PPD to all my Macs via ARD, but how can I configure each Mac so that the new 2060 is added to the Print Setup Utility (aka the "Print Center") and remove the reference to the older 2060?

Steps needed:

1) Install PPD/driver

2) Add the new 2060 printer to the Printer Setup Utility

3) Remove the old 2060 printer from Printer Setup Utility

Do I have to do all this manually?

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