Initialization commands to phone modem?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I'm working on a Powerbook, and trying to get a net connection over Bluetooth -> GPRS phone with modem. The phone is a SonyEricsson T68. I got the phone number right, have selected the "Ericsson Infrared" modem drivers which seem to be correct for T68. I get a successful connection and ifconfig shows I have an IP for connection ppp0.

However, I can't transmit anything, ping, WWW etc. My cellular company says the phone is likely not connecting to Internet by default, but their closed WAP service. I need to put in an initialization string for the modem, like "AT...". How can I do this? In PPP settings, there is a button for choosing a terminal command file but that is greyed out.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    I'm giving up on this. If I was really determined to get it to work I'd switch cellular companies at this point, but I don't need it that bad. Still, I figured I'd post an update of what I found out about the situation, in case someone else has the same problems.

    The Terminal Scripts are PPP terminal scripts, they aren't related to my problem and I don't need one. I (probably) need to modify the modem script, the one you pick from the list of Bluetooth Modems.

    I tried to make a copy of the Infrared Modem modem script in Library->Modem Scripts, with the name "haxxor", and injected the initialization command somewhere in there, in a spot which seemed good. Didn't work. Maybe I couldn't pick the right spot at random, or the job wasn't that simple in the first place.
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