Protecting and Accessorizing my forthcoming Powerbook G4

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I've long scoffed at Powerbook users who never close their screens without inserting a soft cloth between the screen and the keyboard, who use any of products to protect their Ti-paint finish, etc. Quite predictably, though, as I awaiting delivery of my first Ti Powerbook (1GHZ/1024MB RAM/60GB HD/SUPERDRIVE), I'm starting to get anxious about not protecting my investment well enough. I'm really not much of a gratuitous-product/gadget person, but I'm specifically thinking about my powerbook's resale value in 1-1.5 years when we might be seeing 64bit chips in Apple portables. Also, with prices SO MUCH LOWER THAN I HAD FEARED, I have a bit of spare change I hadn't counted on.

So, I'm seeking advice from Powerbook G4 users here on their own protection regimes: I want to know what works and what doesn't, what's well made and what's crap, etc. Should I bother with a screen cloth or ti-paint protectors? One thing I really need to know is who makes the most functional and protective carrying case?

I'm also interested on users' takes on various accessories third-party accessories; there are hundreds of them. How nice is having an external mouse? Who makes the best one? Is the Road Tools Podium a joke or is it useful. What about a small external firewire bootable 20gb to 40gb hard drive? What accessories can you not live without? I'm thinking about an ipod and a Minolta Dimage F100.

And, then there's the software question: I've never owned an os X based mac before...what are your most counted on utilities? Is Norton the way to go with virus protection? etc...

Please have fun with this thread thinking up your dream Powerbook set-up. If possible, be very specific, suppling full brand and product names, and, if you have the time, a link too. I realize that many of you might wish to lash out at my good fortune. I'm sorry. Please don't. I haven't purchased a new mac in 7 years -- I'm on a Powermac 7500/100. My time has come.

[ 11-11-2002: Message edited by: Bierkonig ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 9
    At MacNN, they're saying screen protectors are no longer needed.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></A>; might be useful for you.

    I don't have a Mac OS X Mac (yet). But I intend to soon.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    my 550 TI at work screen is messed up a bit, its got keyboard marks that don't go away and little circles in a couple of spots that look to have a different finish than the rest of the screen, plus i just noticed a small dent in the cover near the apple. I'm usually very careful with it. All I'm saying is no matter how protective you are its gonna get a little scuffed.

    Oh yea here is a good story: I had just gotten it a work and we were taking it to an awards show thing for me to run a powerpoint presentation. We rented another Ti, (cuz i needed 2) So one of the producers decided (with out me knowing) that we needed a way to tell the difference between ours and the rental. So what does she do ? she draws an X in ballpoint pen on the bottom of the PowerBook! I wish i could have seen my face when I flipped it over and saw it, I almost fainted!
  • Reply 4 of 9
    I had thought the all-knowing users of these boards would be dripping with technolust and jumping at the opprotunity to answer my questions. Hmm. A bit disapointing.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    You might want to check the nice products over at <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; .

    Don´t leave the powerbook lying around or loose in a big bag, even with the new paint technic.

    A mouse is a must. Both logitech and micro$oft are good. I´d recomend an optical one.

    The ipod is Great, also as a small external drive. I have the Minolta Dimage X myself (for portability) it works great with iPhoto.

    Norton? I don´t know.

    .Mac, for ease of use with osx: Yes, but only if you got the money.

    An external monitor is definatly a good way to expand your Powerbook. If you need a really speedy drive consider an extrnal FW drive.

    good luck!
  • Reply 6 of 9

    Congrats on the new PB. I just bought one too. 1Ghz/60GB/1024MB/SuperDrive. I am so excited. I am faced with the same probems that you are. I have done some research and posted some threads here and on apple support.

    <a href="[email protected]@.3bbbdee7/0"; target="_blank">Apple Support Post</a>& <a href=""; target="_blank">Appleinsider Post</a>

    I hope these give you a vague idea. I found that I really like the WaterField Designs Medium Cargo Bag <a href=""; target="_blank">WaterField Designs</a> and the <a href=" e=TR515R&Product_Count=7&Category_Code=_AG4" target="_blank">Hipster Laptop By Trager</a>. The Hipster is a bit more reasonably priced than the Medium Cargo. There is something that Waterfield is having right now that is called Suite Spot and it comes with a couple of different bags. I think its a pretty good deal but still expensive. I also ordered the <a href=""; target="_blank">OWC Screen Protector</a>. I didn't want to take any chances even though the new keyboard is supposed to be lower. I would hate to have the screen on a 3000 dollar machine ruined because of a rumor! I opted for the full protector that includes the palm rest but they make some that just cover the keyboard.

    As far as hard drives go, I have heard some good things about <a href=""; target="_blank">The SmartDisk FireLite</a> series. I don't have one but have been eyeing them since they came out. They are also really light and small which is nice with a portable.

    I have an iPod 5GB and I love it. It is one of my best investments ever. If you are looking for storage by going to the 20GB skip it. The Toshiba drives are actually quite slow and have an extremely difficult time capturing DV from a camera.

    As far as digital cameras go I highly recommend either the Canon S30 or S40 or the G2 (if you want a little more than a point and shoot camera.) I work at a professional portrait studio and one of the photographers swears by the whole FinePix series from Nikon and another any of the Olympus series. The only thing that I can definately tell you is to make sure you get a camera that has at least 3.0 Megapixels. Anything lower than this and you won't be able to blow them up to more than a 4x6 which is not cool. I have the S30 and I just printed (using an epson photo printer and photo paper) an 8x10 with out any sharpening in photoshop. Just the usual color correcting. So after my semi long winded reply. I hope this helps you out some.


    P.S. If you want a great place to buy photo equipment, digital or film, go to <a href=""; target="_blank">B & H Photo</a>

    [ 11-12-2002: Message edited by: shagstlm ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 9
    <a href=""; target="_blank">Bag Review</a> is also really great too!
  • Reply 8 of 9

    [ 11-13-2002: Message edited by: shagstlm ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 9
    mouse -&gt; logitech mousman dual optical

    ive yet to see any mouse even come close

    to that one
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