Shut down check doesn't work anymore under OS9

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Everytime that I restart the computer, I get errors in disk drive repair utilities when I work under OS9.


Problem: Invalid BTree Header, 0, 0

Problem: MountCheck found minor errors.

Problem: Invalid directory valence, 2, 6165 (I can repair that)

Techtool PRo:

Rezero Unit failed

Self Diagnostisc Test failed (these message remain under OS9)

As long as I work under OSX, these problems don't occur.

However, on an old Mac, OS9 is much faster and my scsi-scanner doesn't work with OSX.

So Rezero Unit and Self Diagnostic Test are OK under OSX!

I already zapped the PRAM and erased the hard disk partitions..

The drive is a Barracuda 80 GB connected to a Sonnet Tempo 66 Ultra ATA PCI in a G3 Beige (with G4 ZIF & ATI Radeon 7000 flashed)

I have read somewhere that I should avoid a low level format with an IDE disk and the Sonnet Tempo.

Can someone give me advice?

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