What do you do if you get lowballed on salary?
So I get an initial offer from this company.
First I give them a range, you know, the lowest salary i'll accept and the highest i think it'll go.
And when they give me an offer it ends up being almost 5G's lower than my low number...
Am I buying a car or getting a job?
2004 and i'm haggling for more money?
First I give them a range, you know, the lowest salary i'll accept and the highest i think it'll go.
And when they give me an offer it ends up being almost 5G's lower than my low number...
Am I buying a car or getting a job?
2004 and i'm haggling for more money?
If you listed your minimum acceptable figure within reasonable range for your industry and experience level and they still lowballed you by $5k without explanation or alternative compensation (like better holiday), it sounds like they're undervaluing you, but it's possible they were presuming you had haggle room built-in.
I might be insulted, but it would depend on the gig and the numbers.
How's that for fence-straddling response.
Salary negotiations are poker. And honest-to-god, if you don't think they're offering enough, be prepared to walk away from the offer. Your raises will be a percentage of your salary.
you might try to see if they can make it up in other things (ie, signing bonus or other bonuses, time off or something). you can try hard-facing them and saying "wtf, bitches. i said x dollars MINIMUM. now you sons of fucking cunts have pissed me off. add 15k to ur number and i'll consider working for you." perhaps without the profanity, if ur looking at a very conservative company. imo, if u really can't work for what they are offering, then you shouldn't be overly concerned with playing hard ball and possibly pissing them off. worst case scenario, thats the best offer they give and u decline. theres other companies out there. of course, if ur haggling over 5k, when the principal amount is >100k or so, i say suck it up.
Originally posted by jesperas
Once they give you a job offer, you can negotiate salary with them. They can say no, but they can't take back the offer and give it to someone else, until you decline the position.
Sure they can, they simply rescind the offer. There are plenty of way to sugar coat it that would make their lawyers happy. Not that that's going to happen here.
Negotiation is almost required here, just accepting the lowball offer sends a potentially bad signal that you can be run over with abandon. That would only occur if the firm had a bunch of asshats in charge, but you never know. Reasonable negotiation can also work to your favor by showing you have a spine and brain--you might get something and some karma with it. Playing too hard to get will empty the same karma well in a hurry. Good luck with the tightrope walk.
In the future though stay away from labeling a range. Avoid giving any salary number up front if possible. Keep you numbers handy though, you will need them if pressed, the hirer really has all the cards.
I would suggest making up an excuse that you have an offer from another company, and see if you can work something out.
1.) How long have you been looking for a job?
2.) Are other companies interested in you?
3.) How long can you wait before taking a job?
Right now we're heading into the end of the year. Many companies (besides Retail) go into Hiring Freezes through the end of the year and might not lift them until Mid-January.
My Dad has been looking for a job for a few months now and it's rough out there. This is not the same job market it was a few years ago and employers know it. If a company thinks they can get you at a fairly low price, they're going to do it because they know that if you're not interested, someone else is.
What I did was I made my low number the high number on what I thought the mid number would be in their minds. And there was nothing unreasonable with the low number. if anything it's in mid-range of what the stats said on salary.com...
And to top that, the numb er that they offered me wasn't even significantly higher then what i'm making now as a temp...
As a matter of fact, I should have countered with an even higher number after they lowballed me like that...
What's even more funny is that most of the people I worked with were lowballed the same way when they signed on to this place...
Why do these companies have to do that? Why do they have to treat their enployees like garbage? I mean, let's start off by screwing with our employees morale...hahahahahaah
Good Luck!!