Question regarding the new Powerbook and memory

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014

My new 1ghz combo PB came today and I have a question that I was hoping somebody could answer for me. Anyway, I didn't double my memory for $40 ( because I figured I could just upgrade it later. Now, the unit that arrived has the advertised 512 megs of ram, but they're two 256 dimms, as opposed to one 512 dimm.

As I understand it, there are only two slots, so these pretty much removes my choice of upgrading, unless I'm willing to part with one of the dimms.

For all of you other folks who didn't take the doubled memory offer, do you have the same situation?


Sean (-who is feeling quite foolish for not doubling the memory when he had the chance...)


  • Reply 1 of 2
    When the Apple Store gives you the option to add or remove components, it does say 2 dimms beside the choice to add memory. I can see how you could have missed it, because who would think Apple would do that. It makes little sense. Don't let it get you down. Just keep checking prices until the 512 dimm gets really low, and buy 2. You can probably sell the other 2 pretty easily. Your post is a useful warning to others though. Maybe if everyone you helped save from the same oversight gives you a buck you'll break even.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    [quote]Originally posted by appdezine:

    <strong>When the Apple Store gives you the option to add or remove components, it does say 2 dimms beside the choice to add memory. I can see how you could have missed it, because who would think Apple would do that. It makes little sense. Don't let it get you down. Just keep checking prices until the 512 dimm gets really low, and buy 2. You can probably sell the other 2 pretty easily. Your post is a useful warning to others though. Maybe if everyone you helped save from the same oversight gives you a buck you'll break even. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, I ordered it over the phone, so the saleperson basically asked me if I wanted just the 512 or the gig, and as far as I can recall, never mentioned there being two dimms. Ah well. I suppose if this helps others stay out of my situation, it is a good thing.

    I'm gonna call the Apple Store and see if we can maybe work out some sort of exchange. I've gotta buy an airport station anyway..

    Thanks for the reply
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