
in Mac Software edited January 2014
OK -- So i've hit this iphoto thing before but I had a couple other questions. I understand the concept behind the filing system it uses. i.e., 1998:11:23, i get it it is a date. but I was just trying to clean up some of my files and started going through some of this stuff and found that some only had "data" or "thumbs" files in them. Then I open up that stuff and it's something like a game logo, something I don't need or want. If I delete this and possibly the higher files that contain it, will the program still be able to find pictures? I mean, if I don't want the picture, then there is no reason to have an empty file right?

Now to add to this; I have all my pics saved on an external HD to back them up. Can I rename all the files holding pictures on the hard drive to whatever I want. If I understand corectly there is no was iPhoto is going to look on the external HD for the pics.

So lets say in theory I rename all of these files. If I were to import them back onto the machines HD, would iphoto re-file these to it's own liking? For example if I imported them all today, the uppermost file would be 2004, then 12 then 06 for today right?

This may be basic for some of you folks, but I'm trying to learn....

thanks for the patience and help!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    jabohnjabohn Posts: 584member
    You should try out the program iPhoto Diet to slim down your iPhoto Library. I wouldn't delete anything in the library though the Finder, only in iPhoto.

    iPhoto will only look in 2 places: your iPhoto library and any inserted iPhoto CD, so any pics you copy elsewhere will not show up in iPhoto. For example, burn a CD in iPhoto and then delete the photos you just burned... the photos on the CD only show up when you put the CD in your drive.

    As far as I know, iPhoto would organize the photos into it's own folder structure, but would not rename the files.
  • Reply 2 of 8

    Originally posted by 206amphib

    OK -- So i've hit this iphoto thing before but I had a couple other questions. I understand the concept behind the filing system it uses. i.e., 1998:11:23, i get it it is a date. but I was just trying to clean up some of my files and started going through some of this stuff and found that some only had "data" or "thumbs" files in them. Then I open up that stuff and it's something like a game logo, something I don't need or want. If I delete this and possibly the higher files that contain it, will the program still be able to find pictures? I mean, if I don't want the picture, then there is no reason to have an empty file right?

    Now to add to this; I have all my pics saved on an external HD to back them up. Can I rename all the files holding pictures on the hard drive to whatever I want. If I understand corectly there is no was iPhoto is going to look on the external HD for the pics.

    So lets say in theory I rename all of these files. If I were to import them back onto the machines HD, would iphoto re-file these to it's own liking? For example if I imported them all today, the uppermost file would be 2004, then 12 then 06 for today right?

    This may be basic for some of you folks, but I'm trying to learn....

    thanks for the patience and help!

    im might be confused as to your problem, but try this.

    for all your pics in iPhoto, select them all will apple+A, then hit shift+apple+B (batch change). change all the dates to whatever day you want.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    toweltowel Posts: 1,479member

    Originally posted by 206amphib

    So lets say in theory I rename all of these files. If I were to import them back onto the machines HD, would iphoto re-file these to it's own liking? For example if I imported them all today, the uppermost file would be 2004, then 12 then 06 for today right?

    AFAIK, when you import files into iPhoto, it makes a copy of the file and places the copy into the iPhoto folder, organized by date. It doesn't touch the original. Note that this is true even if you import from a camera. It specifically asks you if you want to delete the originals, but doesn't do so by default. If you import from a folder on a HD, I don't think it even asks you if you want to delete the originals.

    So yes, if you re-import a bunch of photos from your external HD, iPhoto will re-file them in to the iPhoto folder. But it won't touch the original files on the external HD.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    thanks guys-

    This file structure drives me nuts sometimes. Another question for you; why am i seeing some folders with duplicates? Some have the tiny preview icon next to the name and the others have the little jpeg icon. different icons, same pic?
  • Reply 5 of 8

    Originally posted by jabohn

    You should try out the program iPhoto Diet to slim down your iPhoto Library. I wouldn't delete anything in the library though the Finder, only in iPhoto.

    iPhoto will only look in 2 places: your iPhoto library and any inserted iPhoto CD, so any pics you copy elsewhere will not show up in iPhoto. For example, burn a CD in iPhoto and then delete the photos you just burned... the photos on the CD only show up when you put the CD in your drive.

    As far as I know, iPhoto would organize the photos into it's own folder structure, but would not rename the files.

    where can I find that program?
  • Reply 6 of 8

    Originally posted by 206amphib

    where can I find that program?

    iphoto diet

    its a good app.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Now that you've gotten some good help from good, helpful members, I'm going to ask this rhetorical question:

    What's is the whole point of using iPhoto if you're going to redo its work anyway?

    Why people feel like they have to organize their iPhoto Library from the Finder, I'll never quite know. Actually, that's not true. I think a lot of people think that this is just the way you have to work with stuff -- through files and folders in the Finder or windows Explorer, etc. But the whole point of iPhoto is so you don't have to do all that janitorial work. You're either going to use iPhoto because you don't want to do the yardwork, or else you're not going to use iPhoto because you want to do do the yardwork. If you only use it to print pictures and use the retouch tool, well, you can print pictures from just about anywhere and there are much better apps with which to edit the pictures. If it's in the way, you shouldn't feel like you have to use it or fight with it. If you want a little less work for yourself, let iPhoto do its thing, obtuse and quirky as it is.

    /end rant
  • Reply 8 of 8

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Now that you've gotten some good help from good, helpful members, I'm going to ask this rhetorical question:

    What's is the whole point of using iPhoto if you're going to redo its work anyway?

    Why people feel like they have to organize their iPhoto Library from the Finder, I'll never quite know. Actually, that's not true. I think a lot of people think that this is just the way you have to work with stuff -- through files and folders in the Finder or windows Explorer, etc. But the whole point of iPhoto is so you don't have to do all that janitorial work. You're either going to use iPhoto because you don't want to do the yardwork, or else you're not going to use iPhoto because you want to do do the yardwork. If you only use it to print pictures and use the retouch tool, well, you can print pictures from just about anywhere and there are much better apps with which to edit the pictures. If it's in the way, you shouldn't feel like you have to use it or fight with it. If you want a little less work for yourself, let iPhoto do its thing, obtuse and quirky as it is.

    /end rant

    Here is my situation.

    I went out to get the ichat AV program, however, I could only install it using iLife 04, which wouldn't run on my version of OS X. So I bought 10.3, soon to find out that I had a corrupt hard drive, or something that tech support said I would have to wipe the drive and reinstall from scratch. Is my stuff backed up? Nope, So then I go buy an external HD, great, perfect, everything is fine. I drag my iPhoto library folder to it but something is screwy with that pictures folder. everytime I had connected a camera, I had input the photos through iPhoto, but the image capture had also downloaded them to the pictures folder. So now I have all these duplicates and wierd files, including "iPhoto Library_1" on top of the regualar library. I don't want to download all of that stuff onto the computer, I only need one copy of each photo.

    I'm trying to find a way to slim down the excess. I tried iPhoto Diet and I just get an error message.
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