Funny, this article could have been written at any point in apple's history. Matter of fact, it could have been written about any company at any time during the past few decades... and still be about as profound.
Somewhat entertaining and well written, yet not terribly original or informative.
From the article:
We?re approaching the same spot on iPod road that January 1996 saw on the Macintosh road, and there?s precious little indication that any of the analysts loitering by the side of the road are going to behave any differently. As long as iPod sales shine, they?ll cheer like crazy. If they don?t, no matter how profitable the iPod and Macintosh businesses remain for Apple Computer, investors should brace themselves for a bumpy stretch of road.
This, the final paragraph of the article summarizes it completely. Shares will increase in value when a company has good sales and revenue growth. Well duh. And... ?
On second thought, I'll take my comment about not being "terribly informative" back. There was some good info on historical stock valuation.
(This was somewhat offset by perpetuting a wishful analysis of one of Job's statements. Job's basically said he was proud of not shipping an Apple PDA. The hopeful amoung us took this to mean that there was a finished PDA that was later scrapped. The article even sites us as a source! Meanwhile I was tempering these claims even back then. Job's merely said he was also proud of the products Apple didn't ship. While it isn't a stretch for Apple to have developed a post newton PDA, Job's off-hand comment really isn't an indication one way or the other. Apple also didn't ship a wifi coffee mug...)
Somewhat entertaining and well written, yet not terribly original or informative.
From the article:
We?re approaching the same spot on iPod road that January 1996 saw on the Macintosh road, and there?s precious little indication that any of the analysts loitering by the side of the road are going to behave any differently. As long as iPod sales shine, they?ll cheer like crazy. If they don?t, no matter how profitable the iPod and Macintosh businesses remain for Apple Computer, investors should brace themselves for a bumpy stretch of road.
This, the final paragraph of the article summarizes it completely. Shares will increase in value when a company has good sales and revenue growth. Well duh. And... ?
(This was somewhat offset by perpetuting a wishful analysis of one of Job's statements. Job's basically said he was proud of not shipping an Apple PDA. The hopeful amoung us took this to mean that there was a finished PDA that was later scrapped. The article even sites us as a source! Meanwhile I was tempering these claims even back then. Job's merely said he was also proud of the products Apple didn't ship. While it isn't a stretch for Apple to have developed a post newton PDA, Job's off-hand comment really isn't an indication one way or the other. Apple also didn't ship a wifi coffee mug...)