Zodiac PDA and general palm questions from former newton owner

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I'm playing around with a tapwave zodiac PDA right now and I'm pretty impressed with it, but since it's my first experience with palm os I have a few questions-

1. Is there a way to just store your writing for recognition later or do you have to always scrible in the little area they give you?

2. What's the deal with so many aps not taking advantage of zodiac's impressive 480x320 screen?

3. Has anyonehere managed to get bluetooth internet sharing working on the mac? I understand that it was acheived once then some update killed it.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    pyrixpyrix Posts: 264member
    Hey ho. I dont have all the answers as I'm am 'scribbling' on a low end Zire 31. But I do have a few of them.

    If you want your writing stored for later, i.e specific phrases, go to the preferences icon in 'apps launcher' (the house icon, i'm not sure how u get to it on the zodiac, heard u use some sort of wheel arangement). Somewhere in preferences, on mine it's down the bottom, should be 'Shortcuts.'

    Go to shortcuts, and play around there, if neccersarry, hit the help thing in options. But the palm OS will not 'learn' your handwriting.

    On to the next question. The 'deal' with so many apps not taking advantage of you HUMUNGAS screen, is that up until very recently, the largest resolution any palm had was 320x320. So when that gets expanded to 480x320 (PocketPC resoloutions are around half that usually), a lot of apps just dont get it. However as time goes on, and more and more PDA's come out with higher res, you will see more and more apps coming out that support it, the same goes with the Zodiac/T3's virtual graffiti area.

    As for your bluetooth internet sharing, I have no idea. The thing is, if your close enough to be using blutooth to shar your connection, why not just use the computer your sharing with, Bluetooth has a very limited range.

    And in a final point, this probably wasn't the place to post this, as very few of your questions had anything to do with Mac's. For other palm support questions try the forums here: www.brighthand.com The poppups get annoying, but if you are using Safari or Firefox, which both have built in popup blockers, it shouldn't be a problem.

    Have fun on your Zodiac, I wish I had one.http://www.brighthand.com
  • Reply 2 of 2
    keshkesh Posts: 621member
    I love my Zodiac.

    1. Not by default. There should be a Memo app on the Zodiac that lets you just scribble handwritten notes... but I don't know of any PalmOS program to convert that to text. You might be able to do that once the memo is synced to your PC, though.

    2. The almighty dollar. Right now, many companies just don't see the benefit of recoding their app to take advantage of the wider/longer screen. This should change, as palmOne is using similar screens in their own handhelds now.

    3. Yep. I use Mark/Space's The Missing Sync for keeping my Zodiac synchronized, and it also offers fairly simple to use Bluetooth Internet sharing. Also, they just released an update that allows you to use a wifi (aka Airport) secure-digital expansion card, so you could just use a regular wifi connection for the 'net.
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