Switcher Claus is coming to town...

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Christmas will be particularly sweet this year as it will bring about my father's switching... whether he likes it or not

To make a short story long:

A year ago he wanted to do a small audio project so I told him to use pro-tools free on his Windows Me machine. Pro-tools was too complicated and Windows too unstable so by the time I got home for Christmas break he ended up doing it on my PowerMac in sound studio.

The rest of the year came with occasional Mac conversations and attempted PC troubleshooting over the phone... basically, same ole same ole until last week.

Last week I thought that his switching was forever delayed as he railed against iTunes for using a "proprietary" format. For some reason he thinks it's a travesty that he can only play his iTunes music store purchases in iTunes and not in his 2 other jukeboxes. I never got a satisfactory eplanation for why it is necessary to even have more than one player, let alone play a particular song in all three.

But yesterday he asked me how old of a Mac he could get to run Sound Studio. After a little Q&A I found out that he'd really like to do video too. I went to eBay to see what a B&W G3 goes for these days and was pleasantly surprised to find them dirt cheap. He was surprised too and suggested that I hint to Mom for a Christmas present.

To make a long story slightly less long:

I got him a B&W 400 rev 2 this morning. eBay is so much fun with someone else's money. Now I actually can help him over the phone! Now he will begin to learn the joy of not having to do things the Windows way! I can't wait for Christmas morning!
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