Dual 1.25Ghz tower fan noise too high?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I just read a review of the G4 Dual 1.25Ghz tower in a UK digitial video magazine. Essentially, they said that the fan noise was so loud that it was a real issue to consider when buying the machine, and that Apple simply must fix the problem as a strategic issue. Is this the case, and should I wait to buy mine until newer versions come out? Also, are newer versions supposed to have faster DVD burners (Superdrive?)?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    If you are sensitive to noise... yes, they are loud. I can hear mine whirring away from across the house... I keep the office door closed.

    Just keep iTunes looping and you're fine.
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