AOL Instant Messenger Mac version is hackable?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
dudes... this is a help thread but also info

some how, somebody keeps being able to sign on my screen name on aim.

i have deleted all spyware and virii from my windows, i changed all passwords, then i completely uninstalled and deleted everything of AOL on my windows, then i signed on through Mac, and changed passwords multiple times.

and the hacker is still able to "sign on in another location"


im starting to think theres some exploit that basically lets you sign on anyones name at free will, if anyone knows it or a way to prevent it please tell me? (im not bad), PM me on it if you want too, thanx


  • Reply 1 of 2
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    Well, you sign on on Windows, you leave it, you sign on Mac OS X am I right?

    How 'bout you use iChat for AIM in Mac and see if its signing you out again or if its a problem of AOL instant messenger?
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by sickoperationz

    dudes... this is a help thread but also info

    some how, somebody keeps being able to sign on my screen name on aim.

    i have deleted all spyware and virii from my windows, i changed all passwords, then i completely uninstalled and deleted everything of AOL on my windows, then i signed on through Mac, and changed passwords multiple times.

    and the hacker is still able to "sign on in another location"


    im starting to think theres some exploit that basically lets you sign on anyones name at free will, if anyone knows it or a way to prevent it please tell me? (im not bad), PM me on it if you want too, thanx

    It's not an exploit dude... its simply that windows is staying logged in while you go on your mac (or visa-versa)... It also happens if you login on your mac, logout quick and relogin (which you were doing to change your password)... And of course it will also do it if you have your cellphone logged in; or any other device for that matter.

    Not to mention, if there was a hole for it... it would be all over the internet by now on how to use it; and you'd have an aufal lot of people complaining and aol coming out with a patch.

    Id say that it's a PBKAC (Problem Between Keyboard And Chair)
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