Name this movie...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Many years ago, maybe as many as 10 now, I was at home watching this great movie on what I recal beeing the Sci-Fi channel.

It was about this dude, traveling on a small space craft to some planet or station. At some point in his journey, he realizes he has a stowaway on board. He is supposed to eject the stowaway because his landing will be to severe (additional weight) for him to survive.

I had to make a class or something and missed the ending and never found what the name was. Anyone here by change know what the name is?

I am ready to finish the movie.




  • Reply 1 of 2
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    I just found it, The Cold Equations, made in 1996.

    I can't delete this thread so I apologize in advance.

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