input jack on new powerbook

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Jello, All!

Would anyone know where to purchase the appropriate plug to input audio into the built in jack(new 1gig powerbook)? I thought it would be a standard mini, but it seems my assumptions were wrong (as if...!)

Thanks in advance.




  • Reply 1 of 9
    It's called a TRS stereo minijack.

    T:Tip :Left audio

    R:Ring :Right audio

    S:Sleeve :Electrical ground.

    U need a cable with one of these on one side, probably 2 cinch (red/white) connectors on the other side.

    What are u trying to record?

  • Reply 2 of 9
    uxbuxb Posts: 8member
    Thank you for your response. I was just trying to get audio into the little devil until I could afford the Metric Halo I/O... I had no luck with the RCA stereo-mini plug-perhaps the cable was bad. I'll check it out further. I wanted to make sure it wasn't that wierd plug used on 9500 and 9600's for the microphone-looks like a mini plug, but it has a very different dimension lengthwise.

    I'll see what I'm doing wrong.

    Thanks again,

  • Reply 3 of 9
    Somewhere there is a prog in osx called audiomidi setup, there u can set a preference'play trough'

    Tick yhis and i believe your problem is solved.

    indeed metric halo is a bit expensive, i got an rme multiface+cardbus instead, a bit problematic with the osx drivers but it works now, at least in some programs. check <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>

  • Reply 4 of 9
    Thanks, Drazz.

    I'll check that out-what DAW are you using? I'm trying to compare the audio quality of various progs but OSX is a bit too new to get comparable data.

    I fould Nuendo in OS9 to have very clear imaging (all things being equal-converters, pre's, etc...), but am very intrigued by audio in OSX-when all my app's are available...

    Do you have your music available to hear?


  • Reply 5 of 9
    I'm using logic 5.5 on osx.

    You're right, a lot of audio stuff isn't available for osx right now and OS9 is better now for music but I don't want to mess with OS9 too much, got my first mac 3 weeks ago so I really don't wanna get into the OS9 stuff. It looks ancient anyway.

    I believe that daw performance isn't too different between programs, it's the hardware that captures the sound so they shape the sound, the daw software just processes it, of course different plug-ins sound different.

    I think nuendo & logic & digital performer are quite equal.

    I went for logic cause apple bought logic if you didn't already know so they must work together.

    I don't even want to talk about protools, well a bit then: best sound cause of best hardware, ridiculously expensive, bad compatibility, bad midi support, again ridiculously expensive.

    Although osx falls short in comatibility too: vst's cut out (maybe it comes back?), core audio drivers should be available to all applications (this was the original idea): no such thing.

    Also you are not able to record audio made in the computer(reason), well u can but u'll have to pay.

    The prog is called audiocapture i think.

    About my music: i'm still in my beginning fase and don't have too much time to sit in front of my computer cause of work and stuff so everything i made isn't quite finished.

    Glad to be of help.

    U got some music on the web?

    What do you make? I try to make highly energetic dance music, techno in normal words that is.

  • Reply 6 of 9
    Buy a metric halo as soon as U can raise the money, heck buy two....

    I have one and its awesome.

    Look out for the new weiss Adc-2 if you want the real thing.

  • Reply 7 of 9
    or a <a href=""; target="_blank">digi 002</a> if you really want to toss some money out the window, but hey, at least you get ProTools with it

    (omg you might have to boot back into 9 for another 2 or 3 weeks until 6.0 is out)
  • Reply 8 of 9
    oh here is the pdf



    Don´t worry U get at least 5 digi 002 ...

    and still a G4 dual 1,25, with cinema 23´ and
  • Reply 9 of 9
    uxbuxb Posts: 8member
    Thank you all for the posts-I was felled by a bad mini to rca cable! Ahhh the curse of Radio Shack! I knew I should not have made sport of the clip-on necktie!

    All is working...

    I actually prefer the native systems to protools-though my complaints may have been addressed in the HD system. Audio quality is far better in Nuendo than a TDM mix system (which I sold!)-I have yet to put OSX/logic through the paces yet-just waiting for NI to port their s/w to OSX-then it's "go time".

    Drazz-I manage to eek a living out making music-mostly recording and performing. I hope you get a good creative rhythm going.

    Best to you all. I'm glad to hear so many great things about the Mobile I/O.


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