Infinite Bouncing...
Anytime I try to run Stuffit Expander it opens up in the dock and just continues to bounce. After a minute or so I get the Application not responding in the dock menu. I have tried deleting the plists associated with it as well as totally deleting the application and redownloading it. What gives?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,
Haven't had a chance to test it yet, but here it is:
[1/10] Having a Problem Launching StuffIt Expander? Here's the Fix: On Saturday our copy of StuffIt Expander v9.0.1 began hanging when we downloaded something that needed to be decoded. It would take seemingly forever to open if it did at all. The problem is that it is hanging on launch due to a failed check over the internet for a new version. Perhaps something is wrong with Allume Systems' server. The solution is to disable your internet connection, launch StuffIt Expander and in its last preference pane uncheck "Allow Version Checking." [Bill Fox]