If Apple was to spend a chunk of their cash on a company, who should they buy?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
If Apple was to spend a chunk of their cash on a buying another company, who should they buy?


  • Reply 1 of 53
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Tough question. We've done acquisition threads before but honestly it's rather unclear where Apple intends to go. I think they may have acquired all the companies they need for Digital Video.

    The next purchase should give us an idea about what direction they wish to head.
  • Reply 2 of 53
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by johnsocal

    If Apple was to spend a chunk of their cash on a buying another company, who should they buy?

    Two recent threads on the subject. 6b in cash seems to get people all hot and bothered.

    An easy Thred Kill for Bergz.

  • Reply 3 of 53
    I was thinking maybe Apple should get into owning content. While Steve already knows how to do it with Pixar , maybe Apple should buy some Music Labels.

    The biggest problem Apple faces with making itunes-store insanely profitable by itself (not being funded by ipod hardware sales) is dealing with the archaic music and movie industry and their outdated %'s and ratios on distributing royalties to those who properly deserve it in the digital world.

    If Apple could create a pure digital music label on top of an existing one(s) that they purchased they might be able to attract musical talent to their label knowing that the talent will be paid properly.

    Apple would still need to resolve what ever issues they have with the remaining Beetles and their "Apple Music" label, but in the end it could be a very good strategic move.
  • Reply 4 of 53
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

  • Reply 5 of 53
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Too late now, but what was the price tag to be a part of freescale. I'm not even thinking about macs really, just a piece of the PPC hardware pie. Untold millions of PPC units ship out to automakers and electronics/telecom companies every year. It's good business, but probably outside of Apple's scope. What's the pricetag on Google?
  • Reply 6 of 53
    Transmeta. It would surely cost them under $200 million.
  • Reply 7 of 53
    coscos Posts: 99member
    They need their own satelite or cable network to distribute content.

    I think the cheapest route they could travel down would be an acuisition of Sirius. Sure, its only radio now, but it COULD be video... the same way that XM is planning on doing.
  • Reply 8 of 53
    Simple: TIVO.

    After all, Apple and Tivo are the only 2 corporations capable of turning 'computers' into objects of lust, devotion and fanaticism because of their simple elegance and power.

    Apple needs an answer in the Home Media space, because they are the succesful king of content creation (iPhoto, iDVD, GarageBand, iMovie, iTunes etc.) but their only avenues for content consumption are the iPod and Airport Express. Apple needs to catch up on the consumption side because they are ALREADY losing business because of it...

    Tivo is in trouble, a Mac bail out would give Apple instant credibility, name recognition (in the living room/TV space) and some decent contacts/parterships (however tenuous) with companies like DirecTV. Granted, Apple doesn't need Tivo to make a PVR (Apple could almost certainly do it better), but leveraging the existing Tivo user base would be an easy way to generate revenue as you build...
  • Reply 9 of 53
    on hardware side, 3d labs, so they can have pro gpu for less
  • Reply 10 of 53
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member
    On the hardware side, PortalPlayer - the co that develops the iPod chips. Make 'em drop WMA support in favor of more advanced AAC profiles.

    On the software side, Macromedia - get a stranglehold on future Flash/Shockwave specs. Acquire Skype, on MacOS integrate it into iChat, leave the windows/linux versions intact and cooperate with some telcos which provide POTS gateways.
  • Reply 11 of 53
    its like internet window shopping..

    only much more grande and fanciful.
  • Reply 12 of 53
    DivX Networks -- the future of video distribution is digital as well.
  • Reply 13 of 53
    he would buy the white house and the guy who lives there for the moment

    cause no one can refuse corruption
  • Reply 14 of 53
    mccrabmccrab Posts: 201member

    Two years ago this would have been inconceivable given the relative sizes (AAPL $5b; ADBE $8b) - today it's AAPL $26b; ADBE $13b

    With over $5b on the balance sheet, a combination stock/cash deal is quite possible.

    Now for the corporate strategy....

    - roll CoreImage into Photoshop etc

    - slow development of the Win versions

    - embrace/extend Adobe PDF reader and offer Quicktime as a simultaneous install

    - offer a free cross-grade to PC users wanting to switch from XP Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and GoLive

    Get back the DTP market which is rightfully Apple's.
  • Reply 15 of 53
    My company! Just because I need the money more than Jobs does. Sure, they wouldn't really gain anything, but I solemnly promise not to run up huge losses either.

  • Reply 16 of 53
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
  • Reply 17 of 53
    I don't think they should go down that route at all. Using spare cash to buy up small innovative companies and rebrand them as their own is what Microsoft does, and it's not innovation.

    Spend the cash on your own R&D and come up with innovative ideas yourself.
  • Reply 18 of 53
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    Originally posted by RSteve

    I don't think they should go down that route at all. Using spare cash to buy up small innovative companies and rebrand them as their own is what Microsoft does, and it's not innovation.

    Spend the cash on your own R&D and come up with innovative ideas yourself.

    That's what EVERYONE does RSteve. Growth by acquisition is generally the preferred method to growing your business. Why start from scratch if you can build from a solid foundation. You can still innovate and put your stamp on the future development of any aquired companies.

    I'd like to see Apple buy a networking company so they could get into more Apple solutions. I'm talking switches, NAS/SAN etc.
  • Reply 19 of 53
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    If apple wants innovation: they need to look to colleges, and computer people: When I tell others (cis profs, IT managers, CIS managers, and fellow students) that I will soon be getting a Mac, they scoff, they say "why? you seem so smart, why would you waist your money on Mac?" When I explain that it is unix with no muss, nu fuss, and it can run any commercial apps that windows can (see office, studio MX, Adobe CS yada yada), they say why not run redhat and windows dual boot on a higher end atholon64 rig? I have a response to that too:

    1)Windows sucks, viri, spy/malware yada yada

    2)Linux cannot run many commercial apps that I prefer (ala THE GIMP IS CRAP)

    3) If I have a mac, I can make any windows apps I write mac ready, in case I stumble on something nice, I have a Windows and mac version ready to roll.

    they say "aw well, to each his own, no one uses macs outside the artsy crowd, all your mac skills will be useless in the real world"

    These are not dumb people: these people are smart: they are really knoledgeable! When you say Mac, people still think of the crapware that was Mac/OS Classic, people cringe because apple has failed to explain why osx is so much better than the windows platform, or linux alternatives.
  • Reply 20 of 53
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member

    If apple wants innovation: they need to look to colleges, and computer people: When I tell others (cis profs, IT managers, CIS managers, and fellow students) that I will soon be getting a Mac, they scoff,

    Dude you're at the wrong school for CS then. As CS majors we are supposed to be learning about the science of "computing". Frankly I don't care about platform bias I'm looking to learn the underlying architecture that will allow me to master "all" platforms. The people that are scofffing are simply the CS grads that will suck when they graduate.

    Save your breath it's not worth talking to the bottom of the class. You should just focus on mastering your coursework and realizing that OSX, Linux and Windows is just a means to and end. That end is the solution you desire.


    These are not dumb people: these people are smart

    You mean they "appear" smart; however if you have to explain the features/benefits of a Macintosh and they don't grok that or at the least seam the least bit inquisitive I have to question on just how "smart" they really are. Keep and open mind and you can blow these mental midgets away.
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