Here's a question for anyone in graphics or publishing. I've got a newsetter that I need to get to the printers tonight. I've got PDF's ready to email the printer, but I've noticed a BIG mistake in one that needs changing. Problem is I can't get into the office, and I've only got Quark 5 at home. Quark 5 can fix the problem, but can't save the new edited page as a PDF.
My question is, if I save the edited Quark doc as an EPS document, can I simply convert it to PDF using GraphicConverter (or some other program) or some other program. I've done this and on-screen it seems that the converted version has a little less quality. Keep in mind our printer only takes PDF.
Can anybody help, my job could depend on this!
My question is, if I save the edited Quark doc as an EPS document, can I simply convert it to PDF using GraphicConverter (or some other program) or some other program. I've done this and on-screen it seems that the converted version has a little less quality. Keep in mind our printer only takes PDF.
Can anybody help, my job could depend on this!