iTunes - song selection
I am running iTunes on a Windows machine and am loving the application.
I like the idea of having your playlist in front of you but not wanting to hear some songs - the little check box beside the song name.
I've tryed searching for this topic but couldn't find anything, so I'll ask away. Is it possible to check/uncheck a bunch of songs at once instead of going one by one?
I like the idea of having your playlist in front of you but not wanting to hear some songs - the little check box beside the song name.
I've tryed searching for this topic but couldn't find anything, so I'll ask away. Is it possible to check/uncheck a bunch of songs at once instead of going one by one?
a quick way would be just to highlight the songs you want and create a new playlist from that, omitting the tracks you don't want.
Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar
no not that I know of.
a quick way would be just to highlight the songs you want and create a new playlist from that, omitting the tracks you don't want.
That's it, quick and painless.