Express your anger about the new PB

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
ok yes 512 is nice and all that faster stuff, but they just made the mac mini, which isnt to much different. i think its a waste. they shouldve waited and unvieled a new G5 PB, when they released Tiger, so then then they showcase tiger on the G5 PB. That would have been great...but no! Now we have another g4 powerbook...WASTE!!!!!


  • Reply 1 of 51
    cpaccpac Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by MacsRbetterthanPC

    ok yes 512 is nice and all that faster stuff, but they just made the mac mini, which isnt to much different. i think its a waste. they shouldve waited and unvieled a new G5 PB, when they released Tiger, so then then they showcase tiger on the G5 PB. That would have been great...but no! Now we have another g4 powerbook...WASTE!!!!!

    A G5 Powerbook will not be ready by Tiger's release, and probably not for a good long bit thereafter. At the earliest, I suspect we'd see it at MWSF 2006, but more likely WWDC 2006 or there-abouts.

    Given that that is a pretty long time from now, Apple needed to release updated (if only speed-bumped) powerbooks to keep driving sales.

    If you're "angry" it's only because you wish IBM had come up with a G5 chip that can go in a portable faster - something that's pretty much beyond Apple's control. There's nothing to get "angry" about when you get a price drop, a feature bump, and something to tide you over for a year or so until a G5 powerbook is available.
  • Reply 2 of 51
    how are they cheeper...the super drive 12 inch looks the same to me from last time.
  • Reply 3 of 51
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,436member
    What's the point of pedantic whining about G5 Powerbooks? Obviously there's a target that the Engineers are looking for and right now they can't hit that target. Nothing you moan about is going to change. Those that need a Powerbook are likely upgrading from previous PB that are probably 3+ yrs old. Anything they purchase will be faster and more appointed than what they are using now.

    Value is determined subjectively by each person. What many people who love to piss and moan fail to do is realize that whatever it is that bounces around in their skull that passes for thought is unique.

    Relax a G5 PB will come when it's ready.
  • Reply 4 of 51
    HOW IS IT CHEAPER! the prices for the old 12 inch with super drive look the same for the new one.
  • Reply 5 of 51
    cpaccpac Posts: 21member

    Originally posted by MacsRbetterthanPC

    HOW IS IT CHEAPER! the prices for the old 12 inch with super drive look the same for the new one.

    even if the base price is the same - you're getting more for you money.

    And the price definitely went down on the 15 and 17.
  • Reply 6 of 51
    nope i see it now, you arent paying the extra 100 for the 512 anymore,and its only 75 to go up to over 700MB of RAM. Thats cool. When did the last PB come out the one before this?
  • Reply 7 of 51
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    I'm so upset that I have the rev A 12" and Apple has the nerve to offer a more powerful processor with that really insane trackpad and installed bluetooth and airport and and and and

    for less than I paid for it.

    Dang Apple all to heck.

    Man am I angry.
  • Reply 8 of 51
    Even with these upgrades the Powerbooks are badly out of date compared with the Wintel laptops. Powerbooks are simply not a good value at this point.

    Powerbook display technology compares poorly to the "Tru-bright" and "X-bright" displays on Toshiba and Compaq laptops that sell for several hundred dollars less than the Powerbooks, or the displays on the Sony Vaio laptops. Apple displays are simply not competitive anymore. Anyone seen a Toshiba "Qosmio" laptop display? Apple is far behind in this area.

    Comparably equipped Wintel laptops are selling for 1/2 the price of similar Apple laptops. OS X is great, but not enough to compensate for that amount of difference in price.

    Apple needs to move quickly to become competitve in laptops if hey intend to stay in that business.

    Please, no flaming replies to this note. Since the Mac was introduced I've purchased over forty Apple laptops and desktop machines. I want Apple to fix this situation so I can continue to buy Macs. From a value stand-point, the Powerbooks are in the same position as they were in the days of the 520/540 Powerbooks - over-priced and under performing relative to the rest of the market.
  • Reply 9 of 51
    DAMN DAMN DAMN. MY 17incher is now even slower....
  • Reply 10 of 51
    express your anger over the new PB? why would you be angry over a PB? if you don't like it, don't buy it. wait for as long as you want for some G5 Powerbook with the volume of two 17inch models with a 2 hour battery, "whisper quiet(we're being truthful this time) processor" and not a single bug that will leave you crying out asking why you didn't buy the G4 Powerbook at the climax of its design and technology for a good deal of time to come...oh and wait...ITS LESS MONEY...

    but please by all means...get angry at apple for satisfying the market's *realistic* needs before your computer fantasies... the average pro customers needed a new laptop from apple and they got an absolutely fabulous bargain. do apple fans ever stop and cherish apple's efficiency to meet the needs of their market? personally, i am going to buy a 12inch as soon as one pops up at my apple store. why? because ive been running a G3 iBook for 3 years and i need it. i have lost hope for a G5 Powerbook that i dont want or need one.

    shout out to apple! powerbook sales might exist again! yay!

    ps- 12 inch models -$100 price drops, higher end models- $200 price drops i think.

    G5- pro desktop/ 3 inch scorching heavy G5 Powerbook............G4- Slim cool sexy laptop

    as a sidenote, just think of all those G5 Powerbooks in that bunker warehouse in Cupertino guarded by gnomes...
  • Reply 11 of 51
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Originally posted by MacsRbetterthanPC

    nope i see it now, you arent paying the extra 100 for the 512 anymore,and its only 75 to go up to over 700MB of RAM. Thats cool. When did the last PB come out the one before this?

    Oy. Ranting over something that you don't even know the history on. That's just great. \

    You're paying $100 LESS from the old to new 12" SD model for:

    - Faster SD (8x vs. 4x)

    - 512 MB ram vs. 256 MB ram

    - 80GB 5400rpm vs. 60GB 4200 rpm

    - Other small things (scrolling trackpad, hd sensing)

    - Marginal processor bump (~167 MHz)

    The last PB was released in April 2004.
  • Reply 12 of 51
    I'm excited about this update. I'm selling my iBook and buying a Powerbook.

    This update allows me to get the superdrive 12" for $100 less, plus I will get new features:

    Faster CPU

    More memory

    Bigger hard drive

    Faster Hard drive

    Hard drive sensor to protect in falls

    scrolling track pad

    All those extras, for $100 less. Not bad. Furthermore, why would we complain? We'd complain if Apple was saying "we have a G5 already, but we don't want you to have it." We could complain that they took so long to update the Powerbooks, but the update itself is a good one.
  • Reply 13 of 51
    No anger, just a tired yawn. These things don't inspire. Granted we all must live in the physical universe and we know the GX presents a thermal challenge for a laptop config so Apple has done the best they could with what's out there. I guess.

    I'm just sorry Steve couldn't pull a rabbit out.
  • Reply 14 of 51
    Why didn't Apple touch the already skimpy video cards? PowerBook sales were pretty weak last quarter, you'd think Apple would be doing everything possible AROUND the processor architecture to keep pace with the rest of the industry. Added RAM, BT2.0, HD size is nice, but screen resolutions and video cards are still lame.
  • Reply 15 of 51
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by bborofka

    Why didn't Apple touch the already skimpy video cards? PowerBook sales were pretty weak last quarter, you'd think Apple would be doing everything possible AROUND the processor architecture to keep pace with the rest of the industry. Added RAM, BT2.0, HD size is nice, but screen resolutions and video cards are still lame.

    Because they need to hold back on some new features for the PowerBook G5 in June.
  • Reply 16 of 51
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member
    What kind of screen upgrades are we talking about here? Do you mean those silly XBrite screens that have so much glare you could blind people 20' away?

    Or higher resolutions? Dear God people, if the resolution got any higher, I think I would need an eye operation to see the wording on the LCD.

    You know, outside of processor/HD/video/wireless/RAM upgrades there isn't really anything else one can do with a notebook. They're supposed to be a portable option to a desktop.

    What other company that makes notebooks are as innovative as Apple? Alienware? DELL? IBM? HP/Compaq? Sager? Please.

    The only area that I wish Apple would enter is the ULTRA-Portable market where notebooks like Panasonic's 2.1 lb R3, Fujitsu's 3.4 lb P7010D, and Sony's 3.4 lb. T150 reign.

    As long as the LCD is pretty clean and evenly lit, I'm a happy camper. The LCD is the hardest and most expensive part to replace.

    My two cents.

    8) 8) 8)
  • Reply 17 of 51
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    Apple? Steve? Hello? You f*ckers. Anybody home? Steve are you getting old?

    Powerbook grievances

    1. Display blows. My friend bought a $799 Dell laptop yesterday. It's beautiful. It has x-bright and some sort of coating that makes it work wonderfully in bright light. It makes my powerbook screen look like dog *hit

    2. Slow processors. Stop pawning off crap on us. I want a blazing fast powerhouse, not "mildly snappy" laptop.

    3. Superdrive? "Super-lies" Oh it supports + standard now? What a novel idea. This has been an "industry" standard for a year now. Thanks for pulling your collective heads out of your ass and allowing me to share ALL the media that my fellow windows colleges have been sharing all this time. Hopefully the emotional scares of them tormenting me with laughter will go away... Oh but NO because now they have dual layer laptop burners. You didn't EVEN offer them? HELLO? Your the "super" drive and your not even as good as a BTO option on the cheepiest Dell laptop. Superdrive you are lame. Heh Even 3rd party mac companies offer slot loading drives to replace the crapola Apple gives you standard.

    4. Scrolling trackpad? All new? Don't make me vomit. It's the EXACT same powerbook part as before. You deserve a class action lawsuit for this one. Some software you "added" into the system preferences will now take use of the trackpads two finger recognition to do scroll wheel. Oh gasp BRILLIANT!!! Go Apple. Meanwhile HP has had this for two years (and done a much better job of it I might add) Don't tell us software that should have been included (if nothing but to keep pace with the rest of the technology world) is innovative. Sidetrack on powerbook (software i've been using for 6 months now) will still beat it's pants off most likely. Oh and God knows you won't allow the software to be back ported to the last revision of powerbooks even though their trackpads are the same (That would make the price people paid for this feature a rip off now wouldn't it?)

    5. Video cards. Don't GET ME started. GRRRRRRRRRR.

    Any comments?
  • Reply 18 of 51
    cj3209cj3209 Posts: 158member
    While I respect Webmail's freedom to write whatever he wants to, his choice of words could be somewhat more tame... lol...

    Sorry, those XBrite screens are the biggest scams. They are just a piece of high-contrast plastic sheet that go over the LCD. In Japan, they've been around for years. You can do the same to the Powerbook/iBook LCD.

    BTW, do you know anyone that burns DL+DVDs? In fact, try buying them. The technology isn't quite there yet. I don't fault Apple for not having DL drives although it's about time they added +/- DVDR drive.

    The processor and graphics card you can argue until you're blue in the face.

    My two cents...


    Originally posted by webmail

    Apple? Steve? Hello? You f*ckers. Anybody home? Steve are you getting old?

    Powerbook grievances

    1. Display blows. My friend bought a $799 Dell laptop yesterday. It's beautiful. It has x-bright and some sort of coating that makes it work wonderfully in bright light. It makes my powerbook screen look like dog *hit

    2. Slow processors. Stop pawning off crap on us. I want a blazing fast powerhouse, not "mildly snappy" laptop.

    3. Superdrive? "Super-lies" Oh it supports + standard now? What a novel idea. This has been an "industry" standard for a year now. Thanks for pulling your collective heads out of your ass and allowing me to share ALL the media that my fellow windows colleges have been sharing all this time. Hopefully the emotional scares of them tormenting me with laughter will go away... Oh but NO because now they have dual layer laptop burners. You didn't EVEN offer them? HELLO? Your the "super" drive and your not even as good as a BTO option on the cheepiest Dell laptop. Superdrive you are lame. Heh Even 3rd party mac companies offer slot loading drives to replace the crapola Apple gives you standard.

    4. Scrolling trackpad? All new? Don't make me vomit. It's the EXACT same powerbook part as before. You deserve a class action lawsuit for this one. Some software you "added" into the system preferences will now take use of the trackpads two finger recognition to do scroll wheel. Oh gasp BRILLIANT!!! Go Apple. Meanwhile HP has had this for two years (and done a much better job of it I might add) Don't tell us software that should have been included (if nothing but to keep pace with the rest of the technology world) is innovative. Sidetrack on powerbook (software i've been using for 6 months now) will still beat it's pants off most likely. Oh and God knows you won't allow the software to be back ported to the last revision of powerbooks even though their trackpads are the same (That would make the price people paid for this feature a rip off now wouldn't it?)

    5. Video cards. Don't GET ME started. GRRRRRRRRRR.

    Any comments?

  • Reply 19 of 51

    Originally posted by dsymanow

    Comparably equipped Wintel laptops are selling for 1/2 the price of similar Apple laptops.

    Oh really? Proof please! Aside from the pure processor/FSB speed (which is currently in the wintel's favor unfortunately) the specs on these machines are pretty decent comparatively. So back up your claims, or in other words: Put up or shut up!

  • Reply 20 of 51
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by MacsRbetterthanPC

    they shouldve waited and unvieled a new G5 PB, when they released Tiger, so then then they showcase tiger on the G5 PB.

    How do you know that there is a G5 Powerbook coming in a few months? SPEAK !
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