Need new cooling....

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I'm going to over clock some Beige G3's lying around. The thing is that I'd like to really push the limits. I need a better heat sink for this. I haven't been able to find any upgrades. I think I remember reading somewhere that I could find a athlon heatsink that will work??? What else Can I use in place of the stock heatsink?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    chychchych Posts: 860member
    Beige G3s run pretty cool as they are, as I recall, my Beige G3's CPU temp was at, or sometimes even below room temperature when overclocked.
  • Reply 2 of 4

    Originally posted by Altivec_2.0

    I'm going to over clock some Beige G3's lying around. The thing is that I'd like to really push the limits. I need a better heat sink for this. I haven't been able to find any upgrades. I think I remember reading somewhere that I could find a athlon heatsink that will work??? What else Can I use in place of the stock heatsink?

    just buy a new freakin mac. i cant believe how people will spend money "upgrading" ancient computers to make them faster but still crap by today's standards.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    ah, but it's not about new fast computers. Having a legacy mac all decked out, max ram, all pci slot s filled, and a fast proc is just a personal goal. And most of the time the old macs are cheaper.
  • Reply 4 of 4

    Originally posted by Altivec_2.0

    ah, but it's not about new fast computers. Having a legacy mac all decked out, max ram, all pci slot s filled, and a fast proc is just a personal goal. And most of the time the old macs are cheaper.

    ya you have a point. i mean i do still play N64 and old school nintendo.
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