"RAM expansion modules that exceed the limit on sleep current must include a warning"

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I want to buy this 1 GB KingMax RAM for a 1.67 MHz 15" PB.

This Disclaimer from this Developer Support Doc states that you may have problems swapping the battery while the machine's asleep if the RAM's sleep current (which it defines as self refresh current) exceeds 6mA/128MB. That means that for 1024 MB it shouldn't exceed 48 mA.

But according to the KingMax Data Sheet the self refresh current is 80 mA.

This is a problem which is doubly posted on the Apple Developer page, and yet I've seen no mention of it in reviews of the KingMax RAM.

Is this problematic? Thanks. I would appreciate comments from anyone who's used this RAM.



  • Reply 1 of 12
    I'm also looking at that RAM. Anyone foresee this to be a problem?
  • Reply 2 of 12
    I must know as well. I did notice that it only mentioned the 15" powerbooka and left the 12 and 17" out. So does this only matter in the 15"?
  • Reply 3 of 12
    After more digging, it appears that the 15" PB 1.25 is really picky about RAM and that this stuff might not work (in that machine).
  • Reply 4 of 12

    Originally posted by israces

    After more digging, it appears that the 15" PB 1.25 is really picky about RAM and that this stuff might not work (in that machine).

    How about the new 12" PB? I was looking at purchasing that ram for mine.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by israces

    After more digging, it appears that the 15" PB 1.25 is really picky about RAM and that this stuff might not work (in that machine).

    The newegg forums have nothing but praise for this ram (All 5 stars! ), and all three PB sizes are mentioned in the reviews. Where's the line between overcautious and meticulous? I guess I'll find out when it arrives.

    The following are the only negative reviews I found:


    From MacRumors

    bad RAM?

    I recently bought 512 of RAM made by Kingmax, I believe. Popped it in, and 2 days later, I get crashes and kernel warnings. I cannot play Ages of Myth without a crash. Safari crashes frequently. I tested the RAM using TechTool Deluxe and it said the RAM was good. However, I googled 'bad RAM' and read that these tests are unreliable. Is there a way I can be certain if its really the RAM?? Help, my 1.25 PB has never behaved like this!

    Turned out it was the KingMax and he returned it.


    From MacRumors

    Had similar problem with NewEgg I ran into a somewhat similar problem with some Kingmax RAM purchased from Newegg. The stick of 1GB ran on my 'Book only when it was in Highest Performance. Got pissed when it was running under Longest Battery Life and Auto. I check Kingmax's site and turns out that my 'Book isn't compatible with that paticular stick... which is wierd. So I just returned it to newegg -$30 for restocking. The RAM was pretty cheap too only a hair under $200. Next time i'll save myself some grief and buy from Other World, it would have only run me $240 and i've had good experiences with them in the past. You should check them out if you want a stick www.macsales.com

    He was using a 15". I've also seen some posts about ibooks having troubles.

  • Reply 6 of 12
    Found this thread in Apple's discussion forums.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member
    For the record, all seems well with the Kingmax.

  • Reply 8 of 12
    Afternoon all,

    I came online to create a post about RAM, but figured as this one was going I'd post in here.

    At present I am trying to find a good place to by RAM from for my Rev C 12' powerbook. It's at stock 256 and is not only hanging a lot but will not allow me to run Final Cut Express.

    First question, do I get a 256 stick or a 512 stick? Will there be a noticable difference between the two? I have read that it's more beneficial to go with two sticks at the same speed, so that would suggest getting the 256, but then the 512 obviously offers more memory.

    Secondly, I have been looking at crucial.com for RAM ($50 for the 256, $90 for the 512) as I have read that it's a good place to buy from, but i was wondering if anyone else could recommend other suppliers that are cheaper? Or should i go with crucial?

    Finally, and perhaps the most important. If i am recommended to get a 512, I am thinking I will go with that, however i do have one concern. Is it likely that the RAM type will change any time soon? I do plan on updating my powerbook at the next update, and would like to be able to transfer this stick across. However, i wasn't sure if there were any new advancements on the horizon that Apple would adopt, so effectively limiting this stick to being sold.

    Thanks for your advice in advance!

  • Reply 9 of 12
    It seems Newegg doesn't ship to Canada. I would like to buy the 1GB stick but don't know how to get it. Any ideas?
  • Reply 10 of 12
  • Reply 11 of 12
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by your_ad_here


    1. Crucial is typically very good.

    2. Unlessthis developer doc says that your PB 12" uses memory interleaving, you can use 512 and 256 together with no performance loss. The 15", for instance, does not interleave, and therefore it's not a consideration.

    3. RAM--the more the better, usually, especially if you're thinking about film editing in the long term. 512 more sounds great.

  • Reply 12 of 12

    Thanks for the reply...

    To anyone else, any ideas of new RAM types coming into play? If not I'm going to get the 512 stick from Crucial.

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