Trying to switch parents, advice
Okay, been bugging the parents about their slow Dell and how frustrating it is to have to have two million programs on security detail just to browse internet, how the computer is slow with internet in general. Finally they are getting tired of it, yea! So they are ready to switch, but on a budget. Don't need to do powerful computing (think lots of web browsing, document creation)- the new mini should be fine with super drive (I think once they see how easy they could make DVD's and their own music it would hook them more). I know about maxing ram. One of the big obstacles right now is switching financial software. They currently use microsoft money and are concerned about transferring info. over to the mac side. Ideas on what financial programs work? I still run quicken98 under classic on my powerbook, so am a little out of date on this. Think simple and easy. They have the screen, keyboard and mouse already, so good to go there. Hopefully Tiger will get here sooner than later as well. Any input appreciated.
Originally posted by Meeces
Okay, been bugging the parents about their slow Dell and how frustrating it is to have to have two million programs on security detail just to browse internet, how the computer is slow with internet in general. Finally they are getting tired of it, yea! So they are ready to switch, but on a budget. Don't need to do powerful computing (think lots of web browsing, document creation)- the new mini should be fine with super drive (I think once they see how easy they could make DVD's and their own music it would hook them more). I know about maxing ram. One of the big obstacles right now is switching financial software. They currently use microsoft money and are concerned about transferring info. over to the mac side. Ideas on what financial programs work? I still run quicken98 under classic on my powerbook, so am a little out of date on this. Think simple and easy. They have the screen, keyboard and mouse already, so good to go there. Hopefully Tiger will get here sooner than later as well. Any input appreciated.
Well, I dont know if it can import Money files (I would think so...but you never know till you try and I havent tries) but all new Macs come with Quicken (the latest version...not 98
Originally posted by tonton
LOL I thought something else...
my dad for your mom?
anways--go with the mini. i dunno about finacial software (though the quicken that came on my 'book does well).
Looks like it's possible to convert Microsoft Money data.
Mac minis come with Quicken 2005.
The mac is the only safe solution.
Originally posted by Meeces
Okay, that's two people that said quicken came with their mac. I ordered mine from online mac store, education discount, did I loose out somehow? The only other item I worry about switching them to a mini is the future proof of G4 vs. G5. Watching these boards, a fair number of posts about how Tiger is being built specifically for G5, not that it won't run on G4, but is being optimizd for G5. I wouldn't worry about the pure speed performance of Tiger on it, just if there would be more occurrences of hang-ups, freezes, or crashes?
you have a point, but dont forget that your parents are only gonan be doing basic things on the mac--not creative work (in a professional sense). You said budget was a factor, which is why I said mac mini. If they can spring for a nice iMac G5 with more than 512MB of ram, go for the iMac. as for quickbooks, both of my purchases have been edu and i've received it on both computers.
Originally posted by FotNS
How old is the Dell? Maybe it would be more economical to simply help them fix it? Start with a clean install of XP & SP2, use Firebird, a good firewall/antivirus like Zone Labs ZoneAlarm, and a NAT router. It would take maybe 3 hours from start to finish and around $100 for the software and router.
Originally posted by FotNS
How old is the Dell? Maybe it would be more economical to simply help them fix it? Start with a clean install of XP & SP2, use Firebird, a good firewall/antivirus like Zone Labs ZoneAlarm, and a NAT router. It would take maybe 3 hours from start to finish and around $100 for the software and router.
That's only a temporary fix until the next virus is released.
Originally posted by FotNS
How old is the Dell? Maybe it would be more economical to simply help them fix it? Start with a clean install of XP & SP2, use Firebird, a good firewall/antivirus like Zone Labs ZoneAlarm, and a NAT router. It would take maybe 3 hours from start to finish and around $100 for the software and router.
Blasphemer!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE GONNA BURN FOR THAT IN Mac HELL!!!! I'm sooooo reporting you to steve jobs. lol
mmmm why does this remind me of the patriot act?
Consumer macs (mini/iBook/iMac) come with Quicken.
Pro macs (PowerMac/PowerBook) come with Quickbooks New User Edition.