2nd generation iPod Min and iPod Photo released today

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hey all,

it doesn't seem anyone else has noticed this. Maybe it's cause im in Australia and im ahead of time, but it seems that the next generation of iPod Mini has just been released (and i just bought an old one last week!!!)....

as far as i can see the only new features are:

-it's cheaper

-there's a 6GB version

-18 hour battery life

-weighs 2 grams more

it still seems there is no search function!!!

im not that interested in the iPod photo, but for more info you should go to the apple site....


  • Reply 2 of 7
    oh, sorry then everyone
  • Reply 3 of 7

    Originally posted by spiers69

    oh, sorry then everyone

    haha its ok. as a rule of thumb, NOTHING slips by these forums. if there's a new sentence written about apple, there's usually a thread about it
  • Reply 4 of 7
    Hats off to Apple, the coolest lookin' HDD music player is now also one of the cheapest. But with that said, it seems a tad nutty to me that they don't add Ogg Vorbis support.

    I know quite a few people who are holding out for OV support, my self included, but personally im starting to doubt if it will ever come.

    It makes no sense to me, Ogg is VERY popular with the open source crowd and the codec is free for Apple to implement. I personally know two iRiver users, I got the same answer from both of them when asking why they didn't get a iPod instead. They wanted Ogg support.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    remind me, what are the apparent advantages of ogg vorbis anyway? I haven't heard that format mentioned in probably 5 years, and I wasn't sure then what was so great about it.

    You already have lossless codec for higher quality, aac for smaller size good quality. Then theres lame mp3 codec for better mp3 quality. Seems like its pretty much covered. They all seem like just-okay to poor quality when you are used to listening to 24-bit pcm/DSD/analog, if you ask me. meh..
  • Reply 6 of 7

    Originally posted by dirk gently

    remind me, what are the apparent advantages of ogg vorbis anyway? I haven't heard that format mentioned in probably 5 years, and I wasn't sure then what was so great about it.

    You already have lossless codec for higher quality, aac for smaller size good quality. Then theres lame mp3 codec for better mp3 quality. Seems like its pretty much covered. They all seem like just-okay to poor quality when you are used to listening to 24-bit pcm/DSD/analog, if you ask me. meh..

    One thing is the quality, Vorbis is a much newer codec than MP3 and naturally is a improvement over the older codecs. If you don't belive me, just test it. Also, it performs even at very low bitrates (which is why BBC (among others) are testing live feeds of radioshows in the vorbis format) @ 32kbit/s it basically sounds like MP3 @ 64kbit/s.

    In my ears, not wanting Vorbis is kinda like saying "What do we need h.263 for? we already got DivX and it works fine"..

    Vorbis a newer, better quality, less bandwidth heavy completely OPEN codec. It should be supported.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member

    Originally posted by dmouritsendk

    One thing is the quality, Vorbis is a much newer codec than MP3 and naturally is a improvement over the older codecs. If you don't belive me, just test it. Also, it performs even at very low bitrates (which is why BBC (among others) are testing live feeds of radioshows in the vorbis format) @ 32kbit/s it basically sounds like MP3 @ 64kbit/s.

    In my ears, not wanting Vorbis is kinda like saying "What do we need h.263 for? we already got DivX and it works fine"..

    Vorbis a newer, better quality, less bandwidth heavy completely OPEN codec. It should be supported.

    I agree but it won't happen for a long while. In fact I bet they're was even a discussion in Apple about going Sony on us by offering only AAC and loosing MP3. This is one of the reasons why I dumped my iPod. I want more codecs, the ability to sync with who I want when I want, and able to browse my music out side of a proprietary application without some hack. The iPod is beginning to look like something Micro$oft would dream up.
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