Sad Powerbook Converter

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I was a very excited pc converter hoping to get one of the new powerbooks that are out. However apple only gave me a credit limit of $2000. I just turned 18 so i dont really have any credit, and i really need a computer NOW for college.

I am beyond upset. i really wanted a superdrive, 100 HD, and 128 video memory but since i cant get it....

Should i just settle for ?

15.2-inch TFT Display

1280x854 resolution

1.5GHz PowerPC G4


80GB Hard Drive

ATI Mobility Radeon

9700 (64 MB DDR)

Backlit keyboard

Gigabit Ethernet

FireWire 400 & 800

Analog audio in/out

DVI & S-Video out

I am seriouly considering sticking with PC...atleast for the same price I know i could get everything i want. I'm torn! :-( someone please advise


  • Reply 1 of 5
    mslifkinmslifkin Posts: 66member

    I really don't think you'd be settling. I've got a 15" 1.25 GHz Powerbook and I've been real happy with it. Don't forget ... you get Mac OS X Panther, a rock-solid OS that's free from spyware, adware and virii. Plus, you'll get iLife 05. Also, you might consider an Apple Certified (refurbished)Powerbook. Have you looked at the iBooks? I prefer the Powerbooks myself, but lots of people are using iBooks, and are very happy with them. It's up to you, but I wouldn't sink 2 grand on a laptop running Windows. Hope this helps, best of luck to you.


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  • Reply 2 of 5
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    I just got a new 12" iBook with 80 gig HDD, Blue Tooth, and Wireless Network. Don't forget a Blue Tooth Apple mouse which is a must for desk top work to be productive. A small fitted case is a must too (~$100) at compusa made for powerbooks.

    This 12" iBook would have gotten me through 5 years of engineering school (Civil). No doubt the power books are suited more for demanding users and probably more better if you are going to be giving presentations. I can't speak to presenting on the Apples as I don't do a lot of it now days.

    I love the size of the 12" and if I were in school I would opt for the 12" or 15" power book. However, if my iBook had a Super Drive I would stick with my 12" iBook. Portability is key to me and I love the 12", absolutely perfect. No way I go any bigger than 15".

    I have a Dell M60 for work, just about as loaded as you can get, and I can tell you there is no way I would spend that kind of cash on any PC as my personal computer. Get a 12" or 15" (if you really want that larger screen) and don't look at it as settling, look at it as getting the absolute best machine that is portable (my dell is not very portable).

    Don't forget your student discount.

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  • Reply 3 of 5
    londorlondor Posts: 264member
    Regarding the Superdrive you can buy a Pioneer DVR-K04 (dual-layer burner) for $120 and install it yourself or having it installed at an Apple Store or any other Mac Repair Centre.
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  • Reply 4 of 5
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member

    Originally posted by Londor

    Regarding the Superdrive you can buy a Pioneer DVR-K04 (dual-layer burner) for $120 and installing it yourself or having it installed at an Apple Store or any other Mac Repair Centre.

    Thanks for the heads up. How hard of an install would it be? I just added 1 gig of ram and that was a joke. That drive looks great. This would make me want to stay with the 12" iBook.

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  • Reply 5 of 5
    londorlondor Posts: 264member

    How hard of an install would it be?
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